Dear Members, Friends and Guests,
EXCITING ANNOUNCEMENT: EarlyBirds is President's Distinguished Club! Thanks to everyone for your participation in achieving this goal and to soon-to-be-inducted TM Ricardo for becoming our 20th member.
Remember to auto pay before July 31 for $45, instead of $60 after August 1. Instructions will follow.
TM BeckyJo propelled us into a world of vehement dualities. We discovered that...
* TM Emmanuel, my kindred soul regarding animals, respectfully acknowledges other people's therapeutic need for pets, but he keeps his distance, thank you very much.
* TM Chris prefers live theater but needs close captioning to even understand the title of the play.
* DTM Jim D. asserts that salad indicates that food is coming, so definitely steak for him and let kale go to hale.
* I, Ana, impersonated Nancy Tunatra Boots in a moment of flibbergibbetry. I Won Best TAble Topics Award.
* TM Jim G. uses planes, trains, automobiles, camels, RVs, elephants as his common means of transportation... to go grocery shopping.
* TM Aleta uses gonna instead of going to because she's close to the border of West Virginia, so she's legally exempt from correct grammar.
* TM Randolph is stage managing a comedic murder mystery with his kids, unbeknownst to them. Insanity is hereditary - we get it from our kids.
As far as prepared speeches...
* TM Pam used tried and tested parenting skills - which we all share- of doing as I say, not as I do, and emphasized that listening to your evaluators will teach you how to get the chicken to reach Level 5 of Pathways.
* TM Chris impromptued a couple of mini speeches about men and women tackling raging forest fires. Vive la Difference! Alexa is now formally the family's adopted French daughter. Vive l' Intelligence Artificiele! She Won Best Speaker Award.
Regarding evaluations...
* TM Jose praised TM Pam for her hand gestures and suggested that she find another humorous chicken to be framed within the square. He Won Best Evaluator Award.
* TM Tom lauded TM Chris's continued home runs and quarterback short pass, long pass, through pass and back to hitting it out of the park.
The Word of the Day was
A frivolous, flighty or excessively talkative (onomatopoeic) person.
There were lots of flibbergibbits in The Throes of the Volcano.
There is no link to the meeting recording. Today, let's practice self-service by logging in to the blog.
See you next week!
Recap Writer
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