Thursday, July 27, 2023

Movie quotes, Pay Attention to the Insurrection, a sanguine meeting at Earlybirds


I fear something went wrong with the YouTube recording - it ends after just 14 minutes. I'm trying to jot down a few notes from memory here since Ana was not able to attend - get better soon Ana!
Chris Guld

WELCOME TO RICARDO! You know it's going to be a good meeting when we start with inducting a new member. Ricardo Viti joins us from Spain and claims to mainly give his ice breaker speech next week!

Table Topic were led by the ever sanguine and cheerful Tom Quinn.

We learned that:

  • Jim Day would Be a Contender if he could only stop procrastinating
  • Ricardo Viti isn't in Kansas anymore because he was in Portugal, surrounded by Spain. He won Best Table Topic speaker
  • Pam Schrimsher doesn't read from the same song sheet as anyone else, and she thinks we should follow her. We all agreed she needs to see the movie A Few Good Men so she can learn to handle the truth.
  • Jim Guld does not agree with Pam because he is the Captain and the captain's word can never be questioned.
  • Marie Rock suggests that Sangria on Ice is the best recipe to maintain a sanguine outlook on life.
  • Mary Helen exudes sanguinity? because she always expects the best.
Our prepared speeches were exemplary
  • Pam Schrimsher made us sit UP and pay attention while putting our phones DOWN. Although our current technology is oh-so useful, it is also oh-so-addictive. She challenged us to go one hour without our phones once a week. She may be asking a bit much for us geeks.
  • Aleta Richmond scared us by indicating that she would be speaking on the insurrection. We were all envisioning angry crowds at the capitol on Jan 6 2021 when Aleta showed up in colonial costume and told us the story of the whiskey rebellion in Western Pennsylvania in 1791 between the settled, civilized East and the wild west of Pennsylvania. She won best speaker
Evaluations were ably delivered 
  • Jim Guld was proud of Pam for following the rule of "Tell em what you're going to tell 'em, then Tell 'em, Then tell 'em what you told em. Even though he disagreed that there is any time when a smartphone should be face down. He won Best Evaluator
  • Tom Quinn scolded Aleta for setting us up for controversy, but he loved how her Betsy Ross-like costume was congruent with the story she actually delivered. 
The word of the day was Sanguine: "Sanguine" means being confidently optimistic and cheerful, or having an eager hopefulness. For example, you might say "He's remarkably sanguine about the problems involved".

Synonyms of "sanguine" include:
Lively, Animated, Enthusiastic, Buoyant, Upbeat, Positive.
The word "sanguine" comes from the Latin word "sanguis" which means "blood".

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