Thursday, May 25, 2023

One Liners, Close Encounters and Picky Lepidoptera - a morning of EarlyBird brevado

Dear Members, Guests and Friends,

TM Aleta motivated us with motivational one liners....

* TM Emmanuel acts as if he's a calm and confident public speaker.  He claims it's only bravado but we see him exuding calm and confidence.
* TM Tom gave an ambiguous response to avoid the nitty gritty truth because he wanted to exemplify bravado.
* TM Jim G. had a Triumph Spitfire white convertible as a teenager and it was the envy of all his friends until they found out the engine didn't work and it was just for decoration.
* I had a dream of living in the USA and I realized it by moving to Florida after a brutally hard winter in a suburb of Chicago.
* TM Randolph dropped his bravado and confessed that he lives in a toy minefield of graffiti walls, discourtesy of his two younger children.  He Won Best Table Topics Award.
* TM Jose came to grips with the idea that he's not master of the universe and his daughter is not interested in his opinion most of the time.

We then moved on to prepared speeches...

* TM BeckyJo has joined the World of Pathways and gave us a geographic tour as host of international students who eat at 3 am, do not use refrigeration and give birth unexpectedly while chatting it up in her living room.  She Won Best Speaker Award.
* TM Pam greatly expanded our knowledge of everyday English by talking about micro lepidoptera, who can't find host plants - tropical milkweed, quirky stem passion vines, coontie or zamia intergrifolia, among others- to lay their eggs on.  More will be revealed!

As far as evaluations are concerned...

* TM Tom praised TM BeckyJo as a relaxed, competent storyteller who needs to apply for a job in The Moth Radio Hour.
* TM Chris related to the picky eater caterpillars in TM Pam's story because Florida indeed gets 1,000 new residents each day and they're using the leaves of the coonties as a garnish for their mojitos.  She Won Best Evaluator Award.

TM Marie has formally achieved her degree, Summa Cum Laude, from Quinnipiac Poll Academy.
TM Jim has formally received his Certificate of Completion from the Zoomery AudioVisual University. 

The Word of the Day was

A bold manner or a show of boldness intended to impress or intimidate.

"Bravado" by Lorde:
I'm faking glory; lick my lips, toss my hair and turn the smile on, 
And the story's brand new, but I can take it from here
I'll find my own bravado." 

The link to today's recording:

See you next week!


Thursday, May 18, 2023

Humorous quotes, How Can I Say This and More than Words - a veridical morning at EarlyBirds

Dear Members, Guests and Friends,

TM Aleta inspired us with a timely invocation titled "Time Goes" and TM Chris explained the format of the meeting while soundly asleep.  It's veridical!

I, Ana, introduced some extemporaneous quotes for extemporaneous speaking.  We surprisingly learned these veridical facts:

* TM Aleta's funny bone is tickled by the turkey bones she wishes upon while strengthening her backbone with a rigorous exercise routine.
* TM Pam has mastered a nap technique which wins her the accolades of her husband and extended family.
* TM Jose achieves his desired goal of balance by eating pizza and cupcakes while taking a nap at the wheel of his 18-foot vessel.
* TM BeckyJo loooved the term "Plot Twist" and she will apply it all those times during the day when she needs to take a You-Turn.
* TM Randolph stated that he needs to make the best out of adult summer camp by actually going there instead of just thinking about it.
* DTM Mary Helen feels so age-invisible that she's seriously considering riding the Tri-Rail topless.  That makes her happy.
* TM Chris was astonished to learn from her wise late mother that there is actually a destination called Club Med. That made Chris's life worth living. She Won Best Table Topics Award.
* DTM Jim D. had a daredevil roller coaster rider grandmother who forced him to ride one and he's been in therapy ever since.

Regarding prepared speeches....

* TM Tom alerted us to the stark fact that we, Early Bird Toastmasters, do not exist legally or veridically, according to SunBliss and Altruist.  He invited some veridical opinions from the unsuspecting crowd.
* TM Marie unequivocally stated that we are not separate from God and we need to collectively engage in intimate prayer to uncover our veridical status at the bank. More will be revealed in her next speech.   She Won Best Speaker Award.

As far as evaluations go...

* TM Pam refuted the veridicality of TM Tom's inquest.  She pulled rank from her days as President of our Club, dba Not Your EarlyBird Toastmasters' Anymore.
* DTM Mary Helen praised TM Marie for touching the audience with the spark of an angel with eloquence, confidence and no stridence.  She Won Best Evaluator Award.

* The National Anthem was a welcome addition and veridical enhancement to our patriotic experience during the Pledge.  Thank you Jim!
* The entire Club has signed up for TM Pam's lessons on Napping Tips and Techniques for the Nap-Resistant and Sleepy.
* Ozzie, the Altruist Bank Clerk, has relocated to the Butte, Montana Altruist branch and will not release his extension number to the public.

The Word of the Day was 

Truthful, coinciding with reality 

Example:  The word VERIDICAL has been veridically overused in this recap.  

Here's the link of the recording:

See you next week!~

Veridically submitted,

Ana I.
Recap Writer

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Idioms, Success or Failure and A Humorous Remembrance - a fun morning at EarlyBirds!

Dear Members, Guests and Friends,

TM Randolph inspired us with multifaceted idioms.  We were to find out that...

* TM Emmanuel grew up with a father who exemplified the best of both worlds - a hardworking good father to seven children.
* TM Pam is patiently waiting to see her kids get a taste of their own medicine when their kids become snotty teenagers.   Na-na-na-na-na.  She Won Best Table Topics Award.
* TM Chris does not bite the bullet.  She has the best of both worlds: she does what she likes and what she doesn't like... well... Jim believes that a happy wife is a happy life.
* DTM Mary Helen experienced a blessing in disguise by mildly spraining her ankle which led her to sleep in Emilio Estevez's quaint inn with a stranger from the Swiss Alps.
* TM Aleta does not mention M-A-C-B-E-T-H because it leads to unbroken legs in theater circles.
* I, Ana, fully believe that pigs can fly just as much as cats and dogs can rain any given day of the week.
* TM Jim G. lets many cats out of the bag and when he realizes it, he wishes the person to break a leg and stuff it in a box.
* TM Tom had the gain of drug-free kids by suffering the pain of being the taxidriver of (4) champion swimmers whose routine began at 4:30 am every morning.

In the prepared speeches...

* DTM Jim D.impressed us with his multilingual talent:  "Bon dia, buenos dias, good morning" which could never be equaled by Columbus, a slightly disoriented giggolo (see below)  who thought he could go East by travelling West in the Pinta, the Nina and the Santa Maria - while being financed by a woman, Queen Isabella.
* We saw a replay, aptly screenshared by our SAA TM Marie, of the late DTM Kip encouraging us to be anarchists, to ignore the Pathways rules and stay in abeyance in Level III forever - the answer is to have FUN - or it's not Toastmasters!

Dates to Remember:   June 17 at 10:30 am HYBRID BRUNCH AT THE GULDS'..  If you're on Zoom, BYOM (Bring Your Own Mimosas).

The Word of the Day was

temporary halt; suggests a state of holding or waiting.
Mostly used in unintelligible hearings regarding property rights.

Example: Till matters are resolved, this Word of the Day will be held in abeyance.  (If you don't get my drift, hold it in abeyance)...

Here's the link to the recording:  

See you next week!

Ana I.
Recap Writer

Thursday, May 4, 2023

Choices, DeNile and Acronyms - an opportune morning at EarlyBirds

Dear Members, Guests and Friends,

TM Chris had us make some importune choices.  We found out that..,

* DTM Jim D. prefers planes over trains, especially since Wilbur and Orville are no longer flying them and in spite of no leg room in the middle seat.
* TM Randolph chooses action movies with a touch of comedy because he likes to... escape to the movies!
* TM Marie chooses a one piece bathing suit because she is a very serious swimmer and definitely categorically emphatically robustly persistently NOT an exhibitionist.
* TM Tom prefers phone calls because they are more meaning and most importantly, non-evidentiary.  It's he said/he said or he said/she said.
* TM BeckyJo avoids TikTok because the Chinese are spying on us although she does not really know what they're spying on but it must be how often she eats Peking Duck.
* TM Jim G. definitely prefers glamping, hooking up the camper fridge to get his beer and wine at precisely exactly correctly the right temperature.
* DTM Mary Helen has always been a sandal girl but on her latest trip she went for tennis shoes to climb any mountain, scale every tree, scrape any terrain and bathe in the sea.
* TM Emmanuel plays it safe at restaurants and always orders salmon to avoid any unpleasant surprises.  Predictability  is the name of the culinary game..
* TM Pam reminisced about days of yore when harassment in the workplace included mandatory dress code of skirts and nylons - and now her brown-haired daughter does not even know what nylons are....  She Won Best TAble Topics Award.

Having explored all our choices, we moved on to our prepared speeches...

* Inveterate world traveler TM Jose inspired us to move to Cairo, a city of 23 million with no traffic lights, and start up Bob's Barricades (to be renamed Habibi Barricades in Cairo) as a lucrative, life-preserver venture.
* TM Aleta explained euphemisms and acronyms, otherwise known as unintelligible jargon that no one understands.  Would you rather experience a revenue enhancement or suffer a tax hike???  Ah my friends, that is the question! She Won Best Speaker Award.

As far as evaluations go...

* TM Marie praised TM Jose's inspiring travelogue and encouraged more gusto to describe the powerful Egyptian Queen who built her own Mortuary Temple to spite the male Pharaohs from the other side.  She Won Best Evaluator Award.
* TM Randolph loved TM Aleta's outfit and begged her to create a Book of Acronyms as a handout because he's still dizzy - and that's only from the ATM variations.

The Word of the Day was

to bother, pester, annoy.  TO press another with troublesome persistence.
(Note: In TM Aleta's unabashed dictionary, it means to approach someone for sexual favors.  Ahem).

Example:  It's importune to be inopportune - and also quite confusing. 

We received an invitation to join Chris and Jim on a Hawaiian cruise in January 2024 and to join Jose (in groups of 3) on his 18-foot dinghy in Javea,  Spain, to sail to a nearby cove - dog permitting.

Here's the link to the recording:

See you next week!

Ana I.
Recap Writer