Thursday, December 29, 2022

New Year, Icebreaker and Split Personalities - a womanly morning at EarlyBirds!

Dear Members, Guests and Friends,

TM Emmanuel led us in a heartfelt, moving invocation.

TM Val started us off with very intriguing quotes, and we soon learned that...

* TM Marie - unlike the rest of us- doesn't really know where she's going but it definitely won't be boring, only an adventure in acceptance and surrender!
* TM Emmanuel stated that every year we age, grow and mature - although some years we regress back just a little  (or a lot on leap years)
* TM BeckyJo is not emptying her junk drawer but is selling her friends' junk stored in her garage.  She has finally realized that her friends are not coming back to claim anything. She Won Best Table Topics Award.
* TM Aleta is a monkey hopping from tree to tree in the backyard of her life; other times she floats like a bubble over the ocean blue in hopes of making it back to solid ground.
* TM Tom used to spend New Year's Day stuck to the tv watching football but now he's only stuck to us EarlyBirds for the peak of the week.
* DTM Jim D. thinks these are the best of times and these are the worst of times, as was accurately predicted in A Tale of Many Cities.

Regarding our prepared speeches....

* TM Maria gave an outstanding humorous icebreaker where she told us that some people get jokes, some people tell jokes, some people are a joke!! Truer words were never spoken.  Good job, Maria!
* DTM Mary Helen revealed her many alter egos and it turns out she's a former prostitute and nun/sleuth who eats a lot of bacon from Pigs Plus Farm. She Won Best Speaker Award.

And then came evaluations....

* DTM Jim D. praised TM Maria for her good clarity and diction, audience awareness, comfort level and suggested she look directly at the camera, not at the paint smudge on her upper right hand corner wall.
* TM Aleta is honored to evaluate a pro such as Mary Helen and is convinced Mary Helen will become a detective nun in 2023.  She Won Best Evaluator Award.

The Word of the Day was

WOMAN, noun
None other than the most researched, vilified, commended, rescinded, offended, reprimanded, transgendered, politicized, ostracized, sexified word of the year.   No one knows what the real definition is but everyone adds their two cents just in case.

Example:   I am woman - hear me roar!!

Link to the recording:

Respectfully submitted,

Ana I.
Woman Recap Roaring Writer 

Thursday, December 22, 2022

Holidays, Time and Old St Nick, a meeting imbued with the festive season

Dear Members, Guests and Friends,

TM Pam inspired us with holiday-related quotes.  We soon discovered that...

* TM Marie's commemorates Kwanzaa with gratitude for the building of all the bridges in downtown Fort Lauderdale, aka the Venice of America.
* TM Tom gave his Mother a (Cuban?) Christmas Angel he bought in Doral Fables and she later bequeathed it back to him.  He Won Best Table Topics Award.
* I, Ana, am convinced that as they teach in Findergarten, sharing is caring.
* TM Chris has loved the stars so fondly that she has been led to frugal tentless camping in mosquito-free zones.
* DTM Mary Helen fills her tree with pictorial ornaments of all her family members because only love can overcome hate.
* TM Paolo stated that whether the night is more alive and richly colored than the day,  totally depends on the day.
* TM Val has discovered her invincible summer by asking herself, in the middle of a challenge, what is the gift here?  And then proceeding to unwrap it.
* DTM Jim D., raised in chilly Syrafuse, NY, always borrows money in winter, where repayment is due in spring, which in his hometown falls on a Tuesday in August.
* TM Aleta always saves Santa the trip by being naughty in winter, summer, spring and fall.  Also, since the advent of Zoom, she hasn't combed her hair in the back.

Along came the prepared speeches...

* TM Manny Metayer reminded us not to let our potential fade in the inertia of time, which is of the presence essence.
* TM Jim G., in full regalia and intelligently assisted by Superficial Sistelligence,  had us reminisce about prior visits from St. Nick.  He Won Best Speaker Award.

We had outstanding evaluations....

* TM Paolo  praised TM Manny for his powerful low pitch, well-timed pauses and clarity.  Add Carpe Diem for more power to the speech.  He Won Best Evaluator Award.
* TM Tom appreciates the timeless poem which brings joy to our hearts and who cares? Was it authored by Clement Moore, or Dr Livingston - I presume?

Soon-to-be-inducted TM Maria was a first-time timer and did a mighty fine job of timing this time.

The Word of the Day was

IMBUE, verb
To cause someone or something to be deeply affected by a feeling or to have a certain quality.

For example
Enthusiasm will always imbue an endeavor with high-level energy.

Link to the recording:

Happy Holiday Season!!

See you next week for the last meeting of 2022.

Imbued with timeless gratitude,

Recap Writer

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Jolly Folly, Imprompting and Stonehenge Proliferation - a benevolent morning at EarlyBirds!

Dear Members, Guests and Friends,

TM Jim G. led us with Season's Carols...  We learned who among us can hold a note...

* TM Aleta, in full seasonal headgear, regaled us with a potpourri of songs for the faithful...
* Soon-To-Be TM Maria launched off with Jingle Bell Rock and is planning to attend several benevolent musical and lighting displays during the season.  She's looking to be hired as a Christmas Carroller.    She Won Best Table Topics Award.
* TM BeckyJo is giving TIME to all her family, friends, acquaintances and strangers she meets during the season.
* TM Paolo is hiring local musicians dressed as shepherds to serenade his children smack in the middle of their living room in a little town in the heel of the Italian boot.
* TM Emmanuel gave a brief rendition of Silent Night and marveled at this quintessential Christmas song.
* TM Pam got maple sugar candy in her stockings and never, ever saw Mommy kissing Santa Claus in the heat of Florida Christmas.
* DTM Mary Helen's grandma would have volunteered to get run over by a raindeer (or in Florida, an alligator) due to her benevolent solidarity spirit.
* TM Tom reminisces about Joy to the World Christmases in Chicago hitching a ride in the back bumper of cars and praying for snow to be a'plenty.
* TM Marie grew up in a rural property where snow was indeed a'plenty and Christmas decorations were large and outdoors.

Along came prepared speeches...

* In a departure from conventional procedure,  TM Pam gave hilarious impromptu short speeches about peddling her maternal influence into her daughter's Kitty Cat Toy Company and persuading others that her appointment was meritorious.  Her second topic was the devastating natural disaster of RicketMaster breaking down and not having Kaylor Drift tickets readily available, as she unbenevolently explained she had tickets herself.  Ohwell.  So sorry.
* TM Chris gave us a panoramic aerial view of the multiple proliferations of Stonehenge where you can pick the American state of your choice and avoid crowds and entrance fee of the original U.K. monument.  She Won Best Speaker Award.

As far as evaluations go....

* TM Paolo was awed by TM Pam's challenging project, taking on not 1, but (2) table topics and injecting them with humor and the power of silence.  
* TM BeckyJo advised TM Chris to blurt out unknown words as no one knows how to pronounce them either and all will be good in the world of Stonehenge and its satellite offices.  She Won Best Evaluator Award.

The Word of the Day was


Kindly person or action
A charitable organization

Example:   The spirit of Christmas season is generally benevolent - excluding porch pirates.

The link to the recording is here

See you next week!

Benevolently submitted,

Ana I.
Recap Writer

Thursday, December 8, 2022

Profound proverbs, Resilience and Barcelona tour - an unlachrymose morning at EarlyBirds

Dear Members, Guests and Friends,

TM Aleta inspired us with profound international proverbs....

* TM Chris gave a rendition of Narcy Dinatra's These Boots Are Made For Walking when there were no sidewalks on which to walk!
* TM Pam grows zucchinis with worms and gathers crowds to watch freerange canine chickens harvest her crop of tomatoes.
* TM Marie walks like an Egyptian while doing good deeds and going for swims in the ocean.
* DTM Mary Helen really enjoyed a vulgarian proverb that drives her to help herself while helping God help Himself and other believers, atheists or agnostics.
* I, Ana, use lip glue to avoid getting in trouble by blurting out unfiltered thoughts.
* TM Paolo likes the Croatian motto that all that's well lasts short - namely his beautiful six children who are growing up waaay tooo fast.  He Won Best Table Topics Award.
* TM Joshua has no shame in asking questions to Chinese people of all stations in life.
* Guest Maria asserts that lachrymose people who live in glasshouses should not throw stones from inside.  All others go for it!

We had two fantastic prepared speeches...

* Visiting TM Joshua motivated us to become resilient by taking up the sport of tennis and bouncing around like tennis balls.  He Won Best Speaker Award.
* TM Jose showed advanced mastery of the Art of The Shared Screen while warning us to stay away from trams in Barcelona - lest we get run over like Antoni Gaudi.  The entire EarlyBirds Club is currently looking at airline tickets to go visit him.

As far as evaluations go...

* DTM Jim D. had a succint recap of TM Joshua's speech - perfect.  We are embarking on a collective project to design a bouncing coffee mug.
* TM Paolo loved TM Jose's pitch, pauses, projection, rythm and voice.  He suggested that Jose stand up and move about while awaiting TM Paolo's arrival in Barcelona.  He Won Best Evaluator Award.

The Word of the Day was

Describes someone who cries often, or something that brings you to tears.

Example:  Lachrymose people keep the tissue industry in business.

The link to the recording:

See you next week!

Ana I.
Recap Writer

Thursday, December 1, 2022

Let's Get Talking, Public Service Woes and Should I Stay or Should I Go? A resilient EarlyBirds meeting

Dear Members, Guests and Friends,

TM Aleta started us off with a wonderful Ode To A Boomer based on cherished song lyrics from when those were the days my friends....

TM Val led Table Topics in a game of Let's Get Talking.  We found out that...

* TM Jim G.'s historical nickname is King James and simply His Majesty to his close friends.
* TM Aleta, ever resilient and frugal, repaired a lawn mower and is currently assembling a tractor in her spare time.
* DTM Mary Helen would like to wear a t-shirt asking "What?" to elicit lascivious chest glances as conversation starters.
* TM Tom's favorite personal possession which he would never sell is this group, EarlyBirds.  We're relieved, Tom!
* TM Jose has taught us how to make paella, Spanish omelette, how to drive a Jimney and is working on his Empathize with Others curriculum.
* TM Marie emulates Seinfeld's parents and has dinner at 4 pm and breakfast the night before in order to rise and shine at 3 am every morning.
* TM BeckyJo would invite SPF, of FTX Fraud Frequent Flyer notoriety, as her first guest to her talk show. Deal with it, New York Chimes!  She Won Best Table Topics Award.

Along came the prepared speeches...

* TM Tom got reeled into the late DTM Kip's orbit and left the rest of us in the dust regarding Pathways initials.  Just Do It!  Became Tom's motto and he's still battling the Condo Commandos.
* TM Pam momentarily became Kennyanne Rogers of The Gambler fame and taught us when to hold them, when to fold them, when to walk away and when to run - regarding native plants and the authoritarian regimes in Native Plant circles.
* TM Chris has been breathing underwater for decades now but would highly appreciate growing artificial gills to find weightless acquatic paradise.

Both speakers showed wanton disregard for timing requirements and did not qualify.  Some potential election fraud ensued but a recount was demanded and the controversy stopped dead in its tracks.

And then came the evaluations...

* TM Paolo praised TM Tom's resilience in that most difficult environment, HOAs.  He pleaded emphatically and sang Will The Real Tom Q please stand up? (sung to the tune of Will The Real Trim Brady Please Stand Up?)
* TM Chris is searching for native plants in a nearby nursery to start her own native plant yard tours and scenery.  Sign up asap.   She Won Best Evaluator Award.

The word of the Day was 


Successfully adapting to challenging experiences; capacity to recover quickly from difficulties;  ability of a substance to withstand undue pressure.

Example:  Our local Club members showed great resilience in surviving Denny's skillet consumption in the days of yore.- especially in light of recent news.  EEEEOOOOUUUU.....

The link to the recording

See you next week!

Ana I.
Recap Writer