Dear Members, Guests and Friends,
TM Jim G. led us with Season's Carols... We learned who among us can hold a note...
* TM Aleta, in full seasonal headgear, regaled us with a potpourri of songs for the faithful...
* Soon-To-Be TM Maria launched off with Jingle Bell Rock and is planning to attend several benevolent musical and lighting displays during the season. She's looking to be hired as a Christmas Carroller. She Won Best Table Topics Award.
* TM BeckyJo is giving TIME to all her family, friends, acquaintances and strangers she meets during the season.
* TM Paolo is hiring local musicians dressed as shepherds to serenade his children smack in the middle of their living room in a little town in the heel of the Italian boot.
* TM Emmanuel gave a brief rendition of Silent Night and marveled at this quintessential Christmas song.
* TM Pam got maple sugar candy in her stockings and never, ever saw Mommy kissing Santa Claus in the heat of Florida Christmas.
* DTM Mary Helen's grandma would have volunteered to get run over by a raindeer (or in Florida, an alligator) due to her benevolent solidarity spirit.
* TM Tom reminisces about Joy to the World Christmases in Chicago hitching a ride in the back bumper of cars and praying for snow to be a'plenty.
* TM Marie grew up in a rural property where snow was indeed a'plenty and Christmas decorations were large and outdoors.
Along came prepared speeches...
* In a departure from conventional procedure, TM Pam gave hilarious impromptu short speeches about peddling her maternal influence into her daughter's Kitty Cat Toy Company and persuading others that her appointment was meritorious. Her second topic was the devastating natural disaster of RicketMaster breaking down and not having Kaylor Drift tickets readily available, as she unbenevolently explained she had tickets herself. Ohwell. So sorry.
* TM Chris gave us a panoramic aerial view of the multiple proliferations of Stonehenge where you can pick the American state of your choice and avoid crowds and entrance fee of the original U.K. monument. She Won Best Speaker Award.
As far as evaluations go....
* TM Paolo was awed by TM Pam's challenging project, taking on not 1, but (2) table topics and injecting them with humor and the power of silence.
* TM BeckyJo advised TM Chris to blurt out unknown words as no one knows how to pronounce them either and all will be good in the world of Stonehenge and its satellite offices. She Won Best Evaluator Award.
The Word of the Day was
Kindly person or action
A charitable organization
Example: The spirit of Christmas season is generally benevolent - excluding porch pirates.
The link to the recording is here
See you next week!
Benevolently submitted,
Ana I.
Recap Writer
Thanks! Nice to see myself on the screen, for the outside view. Maria