Thursday, June 24, 2021

Spanish Phrases, Espresso Yourself and Unlikely Friendships - an international morning at EarlyBirds!

Dear Members, Guests and Friends,

 Outgoing President Jeff thanked the outgoing officers and officially installed the new officers for this coming year:

  • TM Paolo, President
  • DTM Jim D., Treasurer
  • TM Tom, Secretary
  • TM Chris, VP Public Relations
  • DTM Mary Helen, VP Membership
  • DTM Kip, VP Ed
  • TM Randolph, Sargeant-at-Arms

 Welcome on board! Looking forward to an exciting year!

 DTM Mary Helen led us in Table Topics translated from Spanish expressions:

  • DTM Jim D. emphatically questioned “can you ask the question?  Why this question? Why here?  Why now?”  More will be revealed….
  • TM Tom wisely stated that wisdom comes from not answering the question so commitment to evidence is avoided.  Translation:  “My mind is made up, don’t confuse me with the facts”.
  • I, Ana, will indeed take it the wrong way, depending on how cranky I am when you hurl out your direct criticism under the veiled guise of humor.
  • TM Jose does not really want to talk about it, mainly because he’s losing his mind on an empty stomach while creating polls, keeping time and stressing out.  He Won Best Table Topics Award.
  • TM Randolph thanked imaginary people for letting him know that dinner was at 7 after he showed up at 8, and for announcing that he was having mayo-less sandwiches for lunch so he could bring his own mayo.
  • TM Jeff often says I’ve heard enough because ever since he was a teenager, he’s had strong opinions and is definitely not a nuanced person.
  • Guest Lois thanked the Topic Master for calling on her so she can learn to process her thinking and avoid going on and on.  Good job, Lois!
  • DTM Kip’s wife has helped him shape his lips to say “I’m sorry” even though internally he knows he did NOT make a mistake.  Apologizing is such a bother…
  • TM Marie practiced being a locavore when growing up,  as her father showed up with cases upon cases of strawberries and her mother was forced to make cases upon cases of little jars of strawberry jam.  Botulism was simply not permitted.


And then came the prepared speeches…

  • TM Paolo espressoed himself with a live demo of a palate massage with fragrant, creamy home-made espresso.  When visiting Italy, try a small town espresso bar and order either lungo, correcto, macchiato, ristretto, doppio and drink it standing at the counter while engaging in elaborate conversations with friendly Italian locals.   Never, never, never order Capuccino after 11 am… unless you’re a gringo tourist.  Then, anything goes.  He Won Best Speaker Award.
  • TM BeckyJo told us about her unlikely friendship with Ellie, a Dutch-born Holocaust survivor who, through the kindness of angels put in her path, managed to escape death and became a fashion designer for high-end large U.S. retail giants in the Sixties. 


As for the evaluations…. 

  • TM Jeff was so inspired by TM Paolo that he compared him to his all-time favorite soccer star, Cristiano Ronaldo, an avid espresso drinker himself.  He Won Best Evaluator Award.
  • DTM Kip praised TM BeckyJo’s storytelling skills and encouraged her to next time raise the camera so we can see something other than her forehead.


TM Marie Toastmastered us smoothly and humorously; TM Aleta General Evaluated us accurately and admiringly; TM Jose timed us, polled us and somehow managed to smile through it all; DTM Kip Tech Evaluated us flawlessly and can’t wait to hightail it to Alaska.   We’ll hold the EarlyBird fort, Kip! 

The Word of the Day was


A person who eats only locally-grown produce or food.

Ex.: During mango season, I am definitely a mangovore locavore.


See you next week!



Recap Writer

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Profound revelations, CRT, Moments of Grace and Possibilities - an inspired morning at Early Birds

Dear Members, Guests and Friends,

First-time TopicMaster TM Randolph led us with some profound quotes that generated great responses:

  • DTM Kip is convinced it’s all about him…. And then he gets home and he’s told it is NOT all about him.  Secretly, he still believes it, though.
  • Returning TM BeckyJo was inspired by a terminally ill fabulous singer to not wait until everything is okay to be happy.  Be happy right here, right now.  She Won Best Table Topics Award.
  • TM Marie reflected that being in touch with SELF keeps us from being victims of… whatever.  She likes classic fashion instead of fickle fads.
  • Guest Matt has a positive mindset as he starts each day which he’s convinced leads to the best outcomes.  Thanks for participating, Matt!
  • TM Aleta states that doubt and fear can be defeated.  As Henry Ford said, “If you say you can, you’re right. If you say you can’t, you’re right.” 
  • TM Jose reminisced about friends who come into our life for a purpose and fall out when that purpose is accomplished.  Friends or angels? He’s working it out and will keep us posted.

 We had some outstanding speeches today.

  • TM Tom recently heard outraged parents in his Alma Mater, Loyola Academy, whose children are being taught CRT – based on his studies,  a program based on fear and aiming to tear down our Founding Documents.  We need to remember we are a nation based on hard work, not biology or ethnicity.   Several of us want to hear more speeches on this very important topic.
  • TM Marie wished moments of grace to all of us – those times when we are willing to show up authentically and be present, to ourselves and to our loved ones.  She Won Best Speaker Award.
  • DTM Kip asked us to consider the possibilities if we attempt to do one thing new.  Hmmmm…. how about being the Sargeant-at-Arms while TM Jim is out yonder in the Wild, Wild West and he, Kip, is spotting bears and whales in Alaska?  Consider the possibilities….

As far as evaluations….

  • TM Chris praised TM Tom for his ever-educational speeches; suggested he position his camera eye level and tell us how his dog really feels about CRT.  She Won Best Evaluator Award.
  • TM Jim blew us away with his emulation of “Las Meninas” by Velazquez of TM Marie 3-D  in his evaluator background.  We will miss you and Chris!


  • TM Joe highly appreciates DTM Kip and his certainly unique way of interpreting the world.  They are both dropping Spanish and picking up a new “Learn German in 30 years and 5 easy lessons” virtual program.


The Word of the Day was

BIPARTISAN, adjective

Representing, characterized by or including members from 2 parties or factions.

Ex.: TM BeckyJo is mypartisan.  Husbands are bipartisan – which means their wife is always the right faction.

TM Paolo conducted the meeting smoothly and engagingly. 

Next week we will induct our new slate of officers, you don’t want to miss this bipartisan event.

Link for the recording -


The registration for officer training on the 19th is here:


See you next week!


Ana I.

Recap Writer

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Team Players, A Toast to Early Birds, Mr. Olive Oil and a Eulogy - a fabulous Early Bird meeting!

Dear Members, Guests and Friends,

Catching us totally off base, TM Marie raised baseball legend David Ross’s points about good teamplayers.  We discovered that…

  • TM Randolph stays present and fully engaged by actually listening to his wife.   What a rare and precious gift!
  • TM Jose is being a good teamplayer by assisting his attorney non-techie friend to reinstall WhatsApp which is critical for business in Spain.
  • TM Joe stated that being a non-blaming problem-solver is the story of his life.  He is drawn to problems like a fly to the light.
  • TM Chris stays positive, mainly because she doesn’t use FB too much.  She stated that No Whining Allowed is her motto, as TM Jim cleared his throat…
  • I, Ana, build relationships with challenging, combative, cantankerous people by focusing on the commonalities and ignoring the rest.  I Won Best Table Topics Award.
  • TM Tom explained that he is like a bee – attracted to the honey in flowers, not to vinegar in a salad – and he is fun and approachable himself.

We had some fabulous speeches today…

  • Outgoing President TM Jeff gave a beautiful tribute to our EarlyBird club, mentioning each of us by name and listing our individual contributions for the good of the Club.  Where is the wizard?  As a true wizard, he came and went – maybe into the wardrobe? Thank you, Jeff.  You have been a great President!
  • Master Chef TM Paolo gave a delicious demonstration of Genie in a Bottle, creating a symphony of flavors and a carnival in the mouth.  It’s called Mr. Olive Oil – and is soon to be available as an intravenous drip to dissolve pesky arterial plaque created by Denny’s Skillets.  He Won Best Speaker Award.
  • TM Aleta delivered a heartfelt, emotional and humorous eulogy of a woman who could be called many names but not be called late for dinner. She had many sisters, nieces, nephews, great nieces, great nephews, and lived a good life, leaving others enriched.  In a new career move, Aleta is now Eulogizer For Hire.  Free estimates, moderate prices.

The evaluations….

  • TM Tom praised TM Jeff for parceling out a well-crafted toast in a very short time and for his tenure as Prez of our Club.  Jeff served us well during a challenging transition from pre-virtual to virtual reality, and he did it all with a button-down shirt.  Great job, Jeff!  Early Bird Club thanks you!
  • DTM Kip loved TM Paolo’s speech which he entitled “The Quest of the Holy Grail” and pointed out that (Mr.) Olive Oil is a male.  By Kip’s  own admission, as a gringo he can’t help but automatically focus on the gender of inanimate objects.
  • TM Chris was inspired by TM Aleta’s humorous eulogy which lightened the mood and was chock-full of details in spite of not having personally known the decedent.  She Won Best Evaluator Award.   

The Word of the Day was

NARNIA, noun

Fictitious and magical land

Example: Russian witches sing Ochichornia (Black Eyes) when they fly on their brooms to Narnia to buy a new wardrobe for their pet lions.

Link to the recording -

See you next week!

Ana I.

Recap Writer

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Obscure idioms, Women's Zoom Lib, Blockchain and Positivity - a truly hybrid morning at EarlyBirds!


Dear Members, Guests and Friends,

 Thanks to the SALIENT tech acuity of TM Chris, TM Jim and DTM Skillet Kip, we pulled off a successful HYBRID meeting today.  Several members and lots of equipment showed up at our old haunts, Denny’s Back Room, and the rest – wokely said - , is theirstory!   Others of us – near and far – connected from our cozy little black squares.

 TM Tom started us with more obscure idioms….

  • TM Carbonprint Carmine has tempered his unkindness when he spots unkindness in others and is a venter who vents his spleen.
  • TM Eyes Bigger Than Stomach Aleta is still recovering from a Mexican fiesta of Nachos Grande, pico de gallo, salsa and guac. 
  • TM Chris has been sleeplessly going back to the drawing board to cover up EarlyBird election fraud via hybrid polls.
  • I, TM Ana, have learned from experience that it’s best to leave things well enough alone instead of trying to convince anyone of anything.
  • DTM Kip finds it more interesting to separate the girls from the ladies.   He stays away from the boys and the men, who are usually one and the same.
  • TM Marie recalled the 80s Ladies’Nights – you had to try to stay sober to avoid getting off on the wrong foot (on the wrong everything!) She Won Best Table Topics Award.
  • TM Jeff’s advice is to walk away when others go off half-cocked.  Intoxication is an indication of inevitable confrontation.


We enjoyed one virtual speech and two speeches delivered from the lectern today….

  • TM Aleta reminded us that anything worth doing is worth overdoing! The Business and Professional Women pulled off a successful virtual Board meeting and are now headed for a virtual Convention next week.   Like Dora The Explorer, they jubilantly shouted “We Did It!”
  • TM Chris introduced us to medical blockchain  - a growing list of records, called blocks, that are linked together using cryptography.[1][2][3][4] Each block contains a cryptographic hash of the previous block, a timestamp, and transaction data (generally represented as a Merkle tree).   I just knew Meghan and Harry were behind this.  Estonians (not to be confused with Aberdonians from Aberdeen) live in a blockchain world.  She Won Best Speaker Award.
  • DTM Mary Helen said that because nothing in original in life, we must all positively steal from each other – the trick is to steal from the best!


As far as evaluations….


  • TM Jeff praised TM Aleta for staying on brand – a perfect combo of comedy, wit and substance.  He Won Best Evaluator Award.
  • First-time evaluator TM Randolph enjoyed TM Chris’s delivery, good pronunciation and educational speech.  Good job, Randolph!
  • TM Jose commended DTM Mary Helen’s playful interactions with both live and virtual audiences and the humor she finds in life’s lessons.


The Word of the Day was

 SALIENT, adjective

Most notable, conspicuous

 Ex: the most salient aspect of today’s hybrid meeting is the fact that it merged two parallel universes. 

 Recording the meeting -

 See you next week!

 Ana I.

Recap Writer