Dear Members, Guests and Friends,
- TM Paolo, President
- DTM Jim D., Treasurer
- TM Tom, Secretary
- TM Chris, VP Public Relations
- DTM Mary Helen, VP Membership
- DTM Kip, VP Ed
- TM Randolph, Sargeant-at-Arms
- DTM Jim D. emphatically questioned “can you ask the question? Why this question? Why here? Why now?” More will be revealed….
- TM Tom wisely stated that wisdom comes from not answering the question so commitment to evidence is avoided. Translation: “My mind is made up, don’t confuse me with the facts”.
- I, Ana, will indeed take it the wrong way, depending on how cranky I am when you hurl out your direct criticism under the veiled guise of humor.
- TM Jose does not really want to talk about it, mainly because he’s losing his mind on an empty stomach while creating polls, keeping time and stressing out. He Won Best Table Topics Award.
- TM Randolph thanked imaginary people for letting him know that dinner was at 7 after he showed up at 8, and for announcing that he was having mayo-less sandwiches for lunch so he could bring his own mayo.
- TM Jeff often says I’ve heard enough because ever since he was a teenager, he’s had strong opinions and is definitely not a nuanced person.
- Guest Lois thanked the Topic Master for calling on her so she can learn to process her thinking and avoid going on and on. Good job, Lois!
- DTM Kip’s wife has helped him shape his lips to say “I’m sorry” even though internally he knows he did NOT make a mistake. Apologizing is such a bother…
- TM Marie practiced being a locavore when growing up, as her father showed up with cases upon cases of strawberries and her mother was forced to make cases upon cases of little jars of strawberry jam. Botulism was simply not permitted.
And then came the prepared speeches…
- TM Paolo espressoed himself with a live demo of a palate massage with fragrant, creamy home-made espresso. When visiting Italy, try a small town espresso bar and order either lungo, correcto, macchiato, ristretto, doppio and drink it standing at the counter while engaging in elaborate conversations with friendly Italian locals. Never, never, never order Capuccino after 11 am… unless you’re a gringo tourist. Then, anything goes. He Won Best Speaker Award.
- TM BeckyJo told us about her unlikely friendship with Ellie, a Dutch-born Holocaust survivor who, through the kindness of angels put in her path, managed to escape death and became a fashion designer for high-end large U.S. retail giants in the Sixties.
As for the evaluations….
- TM Jeff was so inspired by TM Paolo that he compared him to his all-time favorite soccer star, Cristiano Ronaldo, an avid espresso drinker himself. He Won Best Evaluator Award.
- DTM Kip praised TM BeckyJo’s storytelling skills and encouraged her to next time raise the camera so we can see something other than her forehead.
TM Marie Toastmastered us smoothly and humorously; TM Aleta General Evaluated us accurately and admiringly; TM Jose timed us, polled us and somehow managed to smile through it all; DTM Kip Tech Evaluated us flawlessly and can’t wait to hightail it to Alaska. We’ll hold the EarlyBird fort, Kip!
The Word of the Day was
A person who eats only locally-grown produce or food.
Ex.: During mango season, I am definitely a mangovore locavore.
See you next week!
Recap Writer
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