Thursday, July 1, 2021

Oldies but goodies, Bloodsucking (poli)tics and Outliers - a great morning at EarlyBirds

Dear Members, Guests and Friends,


I, Ana, led us down musical memory lane…


  • DTM Jim D. reminisced about N’Orleans and NOT being born on the bayou….
  • TM Jose’s favorite song is The House of the Rising Sun, which during adolescence he interpreted as partying all night and going home to play the guitar while watching the rising sun. He Won Best Table Topics Award.
  • Youngster TM Randolph was intrigued by the idea that “Two Out Of Three Ain’t Bad”, and will definitely look up the song when he arrives at The House of The Rising Sun.
  • Returning TM Pam agrees Ain’t No Mountain High Enough and marveled that her grandson has not even heard about The Beatles* (not to be confused with Ticks)
  • Guest Lois (aka Louisa) likes Dancing In the Streets – it makes her feel joyous, alive and full of energy.   Glad you came back, Louisa!
  • If TM Paolo could choose a way to die, it would be singing Killing Me Softly With This Song – he enlisted some talented backup singers from the audience, too!


As far as prepared speeches….


  • TM Aleta warned us about bloodsucking bulls-eye rash politicians (Borrelia burgdorferi) to be extracted from our skin with eyebrow tweezers and carefully right-sized into an alcoholic Ziplock bag where they can sip on their Corona with lyme.  These critters are otherwise known as ticks.
  • DTM Mary Helen beckoned us to become outliers - aoutlier is a truly exceptional individual who, in his or her field of expertise, is so superior that he defines his own category of success – to move to Rosetto, PA and to get rid of electronics to prevent our premature demise from technological frustration.  She Won Best Speaker Award.    After hearing her speech, TM Paolo is booking travel to relocate his family to Risotto, Italy, to enjoy the rice.


And then came the evaluations…


  • TM Tom praised TM Aleta for her dynamite story and powerful introduction which allowed him to be an outlier evaluator in spite of a cardinal technical glitch.
  • TM Pam was intrigued by DTM Mary Helen’s idea of being mentored by books and suggested that she circle back to the idea – of cardinal importance to the speech.   She is also out-and-out joining the Outliers Book Club.  She Won Best Evaluator Award.


Zoom Master Report by me:


  • Everyone is perfectly centered in their respective squares. 
  • We beat the record of active Co-Hosts in EarlyBirds’ Zoom history (“when the cat’s away, the mice play….”).
  • Today’s recording is up in the Cloud, somewhere.  For real.


We were all very happy to see TM Carmine back in the fold and signing up for a role next week. 


The Word of The Day was


CARDINAL, adjective

Of great importance


Example:  A recording of this meeting is cardinal to provide a good laugh to our absent members.


Note: The adjective is not to be confused with the noun versions –  can gringos please empathize with English-as-a-Second-Languagers in the room?   The Cardinals (Arizona football team), a galero (plural: galeri; from Latin: galerum) a red, broad-brimmed hat with tasselated strings worn by Cardinals (also known as Princes) in the Catholic Church, or Cardinalis cardinalis, popularly known as cardinal the red bird.


Next week we will have a TABLE TOPICS EXTRAVAGANZA!!! Come join us



Recap Writer

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