Thursday, July 22, 2021

Obscure adages, Pathways Trajectory and Socialism - an omniscient morning at Early Birds!

Dear Members, Guests and Friends,


TM Tom started us off with some of his favorite adages, from the likes of Macbeth and McMuffin.  We learned that….


  • TM Carmine has been pricked in the thumb, in the toes and other parts he cares not to mention and witches inflict negativity.
  • TM Pam likes the non-native Whooper Swans found in Lake Eola and feeds them Australian Melba Toast.  She Won Best Table Topics Award.
  • TM Aleta transported herself to the Garden of Eden where she and Adam hung out by a big ole fig tree in full fig.
  • I looked up the meaning (to give someone the screaming abdabs (or habdabs) is a British expression for inducing an attack of extreme anxiety or irritation in someone) ... The modern British meaning is presumably a softening of the idea of delirium tremens.  No wonder TM Jeff  suffered from abdabs in college!
  • I, Ana, put my head on the block whenever I take a risk or dive into the unknown.  Everything I’ve ever done is because I thought it was a pretty good idea at the time….
  • TM Guest Lois will look up the word fettle because no one, except the Topic Master, has ever heard of this word before.  Keep us posted on your findings, Lois!
  • DTM Kip thinks the guilt has been taken off the gingerbread and like the Great Gatsby used to say, we need to have some good ole fashioned guilt back.


Along came the prepared speeches…


  • TM Aleta took us down the carrousel of her trajectory in Persuasive Influence in Pathways, from her surveillance video on a complex legal case to her McDonald’s hat, which prompted DTM Kip ipso facto, to book a flight to Southwestern Rural Pennsylvania with a wifi hotspot.  She Won Best Speaker Award.
  • I, TM Ana, told about my life as a Cuban exile and hopefully inspired my audience to not fall for the siren song of insidious socialist demagogues who are keeping their guava pastries all to themselves.


And then we had evaluations…


  • DTM Kip praised TM Aleta’s persuasive influence on her evaluators because he, Kip, had to wine and dine his evaluators before they consented to evaluate him.  This project is not a culmination but a starting point.
  • TM Jeff appreciated the dissemination of information to Americans about the real situation in Cuba.  He encouraged me to use more visuals and props.  There will be a sequel!  He Won Best Evaluator Award.


DTM Kip kept us entertained with a variety of virtual backgrounds – from his college dorm room to his elementary school dining room to the NYC skyline with bats straight from the Wuhan Lab flying around.


The Word of the Day was



Knowing everything; having infinite awareness, understanding and insight.

Ex.  We are not omniscient; we are fallible human beings.


Dates to Remember:

August 12 – Speech Evaluation Contest

September 2 – Humorous Speech Contest


See you next week!



Recap Writer

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