Dear Members, Guests and Friends,
Catching us totally off base, TM Marie raised baseball legend David Ross’s points about good teamplayers. We discovered that…
- TM Randolph stays present and fully engaged by actually listening to his wife. What a rare and precious gift!
- TM Jose is being a good teamplayer by assisting his attorney non-techie friend to reinstall WhatsApp which is critical for business in Spain.
- TM Joe stated that being a non-blaming problem-solver is the story of his life. He is drawn to problems like a fly to the light.
- TM Chris stays positive, mainly because she doesn’t use FB too much. She stated that No Whining Allowed is her motto, as TM Jim cleared his throat…
- I, Ana, build relationships with challenging, combative, cantankerous people by focusing on the commonalities and ignoring the rest. I Won Best Table Topics Award.
- TM Tom explained that he is like a bee – attracted to the honey in flowers, not to vinegar in a salad – and he is fun and approachable himself.
We had some fabulous speeches today…
- Outgoing President TM Jeff gave a beautiful tribute to our EarlyBird club, mentioning each of us by name and listing our individual contributions for the good of the Club. Where is the wizard? As a true wizard, he came and went – maybe into the wardrobe? Thank you, Jeff. You have been a great President!
- Master Chef TM Paolo gave a delicious demonstration of Genie in a Bottle, creating a symphony of flavors and a carnival in the mouth. It’s called Mr. Olive Oil – and is soon to be available as an intravenous drip to dissolve pesky arterial plaque created by Denny’s Skillets. He Won Best Speaker Award.
- TM Aleta delivered a heartfelt, emotional and humorous eulogy of a woman who could be called many names but not be called late for dinner. She had many sisters, nieces, nephews, great nieces, great nephews, and lived a good life, leaving others enriched. In a new career move, Aleta is now Eulogizer For Hire. Free estimates, moderate prices.
The evaluations….
- TM Tom praised TM Jeff for parceling out a well-crafted toast in a very short time and for his tenure as Prez of our Club. Jeff served us well during a challenging transition from pre-virtual to virtual reality, and he did it all with a button-down shirt. Great job, Jeff! Early Bird Club thanks you!
- DTM Kip loved TM Paolo’s speech which he entitled “The Quest of the Holy Grail” and pointed out that (Mr.) Olive Oil is a male. By Kip’s own admission, as a gringo he can’t help but automatically focus on the gender of inanimate objects.
- TM Chris was inspired by TM Aleta’s humorous eulogy which lightened the mood and was chock-full of details in spite of not having personally known the decedent. She Won Best Evaluator Award.
The Word of the Day was
NARNIA, noun
Fictitious and magical land
Example: Russian witches sing Ochichornia (Black Eyes) when they fly on their brooms to Narnia to buy a new wardrobe for their pet lions.
Link to the recording -
See you next week!
Ana I.
Recap Writer
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