Dear Members, Guests and Friends,
We were honored with the presence of our Area Director, DTM Tim M., who alerted us to multiple TMI acronyms, proved to be a keen Ah Counter and finally taught us to which Division and Area our Club belongs. It's only taken a few decades! Thank you, DTM Tim!
TM Jim G. will vote by proxy for our Club at the contest in The Bahamas - while scuba diving from the reef.
Getting back to our own biota, TM BeckyJo led us with memorable quotes from memorable movies. You didn't have to name the movie but she was giving extra credit if you did....
* TM Pam ponders which speech she will give next and how to save the micro and macrobiota. Other than that, frankly my dear, she doesn't give a you know what.
* DTM Jim D. met some flavorful characters in Detroit but then in Moscow, he met some Czechians that made the Detroitians look like Little Red Riding Hood. They all made him offers he couldn't refuse!
* TM Chris loves baseball movies although this has nothing to do with getting critters off her lawn as she alerts them to go ahead and make her day. Her RV days taught her that Arizona equals cacti, jabalies equals Big Bend of Texas, and Florida curly-tailed lizards. Great biota!!
* TM Marie is mad at the biopa but has decided to take it anyway because she can't move to Pennsylvania, where the grass is always greener on the other side.
* TM Jim G. met a very weird character who was always asking "Are you talking to me?" and naturally named him Best Man at his first wedding held at a deli in the Jersey Shore.
* TM Randolph watches animaniacs cartoons and knows for a fact that if you build it, they will come. He's going to switch to Yakko's World. He Won Best Table Topics Award.
* DTM Tim said that frankly, my dear, he doesn't give a you know what that Houston has a problem.
* TM Aleta wistfully reminisced about the days of femme fatales who get murdered and wishes someone would come up to see her her wild biota which has survived knocked-over sycamores and tornado-blasted bouganvillas.
In the prepared speeches...
*DTM Mary Helen took a look at our club and likened it to a brothel frequented by Russians, Finns and Himalayans whose brains pop, sparkle and fizz. Invite guests, people! Anyone with a pulse will do. She Won Best Speaker Award.
* TM Jose took a look at Democracy turned Autocracy in Spain and explained that the country is sadly divided between Tapas-Devouring Conservatives and Paella-Gobbling Leftists. The menu will be decided on July 23. Stay tuned with a vino tinto.and a fried calamari (calamar frito).
As far as evaluations go...
* TM Aleta praised DTM Mary Helen for her analogy of a restaurant where word-of-mouth is instrumental in building the biota with any critter that happens by.
* TM Randolph thinks TM Jose is a cool, smooth teacher who shares too much information in a few minutes. We need a Part Two (to be continued after the July 23 election). He Won Best Evaluator Award.
The Word of the Day was
BIOTA, noun
The flora and fauna of a region (desert, ocean, backyard)
Example: Sometimes my aorta doesn't care an iota about the biota.
Save the Date:
August 8 from 12 to 1
via Zoom
Here's the link to the recording!
See you next week!
Ana I.
Recap Writer
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