Dear Members, Guests and Friends,
TM Pam's inquisitiveness explored our fruit and vegetable patches on full moon. We soon discovered that she threatens her plants to bloom or be composted. It works! We also learned that...
* TM Chris picked you guessed what at Cranberry Island in Anchorage, Alaska.
* TM Randolph's favorite fruit are nectarines and peaches, although he can't tell which is which, but they must be juicy and have the right texture.
* TM Jim G., our miracle bionic hippy, would not plant rutabagas (aka Swedish turnips) but would overplant radishes, for which he has a tried and tested green thumb.
* I, Ana, long for the days when peeling an onion made me cry because seedless multicolored watermelons and other genetically commingled produce will definitely cause our early demise.
* DTM Jim D. won the NY State Fair handcrafted item category and started a lucrative business at the ripe age of 12 before his parents got arrested for child forced labor.
* TM Tom's transcat (she/her)'s favorite dessert is banana cream pie with vanilla wafers and cookie crumbles. He Won Best Table Topics Award.
* Guest Ricardo described watching a rising full moon over the ocean in Denia, Spain, while avoiding X-rated details.
* TM Paolo declared himself a morning lark while reporting underwater drinking espresso from a wifiless spot in Italia.
We had some notable prepared speeches...
* TM Marie focused on the positive and explained how to pour the jelly of life into a Pathways mold and sharing your popcorn without even blinking. She Won Best Speaker Award.
* DTM Mary Helen, hereinafter to be known as Two Dollar Mary, has 50-year-old clippers and a barber's cape full of cigarette burns and offers cheap haircuts. Offer may end soon! Don't miss out!
As far as evaluations go...
* TM Randolph praised TM Marie for her good flow and urged her to speak with her eyes closed so no one can tell she's reading her notes. He Won Best Evaluator Award.
* TM Tom commended DTM Mary Helen for her red hair and her red blouse and we are all still looking up his incomprehensible syncopated verbal barrage.
The Word of the Day was
Something said or done to coax or persuade an individual or a group to do something.
Example: It takes blandishment for a group to vote for someone other than the favorite candidate. I think.
After a tough campaign and extensive blandishment, we have new officers for the 2023-2024 EarlyBirds year:
President Jim G
Sargeant-at-Arms Mary Helen D
VP Education Chris G
VP Membership Ana I
Secretary Pam S
Treasurer Jim D
VP Public Relations Randolph B
Thanks, TM Marie, for your great job as the Nominating Committee!
Date to Remember:
Saturday June 17
TLI Officer Training from 9 am to 10 am EST
Followed by HYBRID LUNCH AT THE GULDS. More details to follow.
See you next week!
Ana I.
Recap Writer
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