Dear Members, Guests and Friends,
After a beautiful sea glass invocation by DTM Jim D., and some eerily familiar marriage jokes by TM Terri, we embarked on intriguing table topics by TM Pam revolving around the Father of our Country.
We soon discovered that...
* TM BeckyJo knew some myths about Washington but knew way more about Martha's housemaid who ran away to die a free woman in Massachussetts without wooden teeth.
* DTM Jim D.'s father was born on Washington's birthday, his mother on Columbus Day and he, Jim, was born on Ferris Bueller's Day Off. So there.
* TM Jarrett spent last Monday hoping that they invent Banking holidays and include them in Corporate America's calendar, sheesh!
* TM Terri had a daydream of buying a GE or SubZero French double-door refrigerator with a silhouette reminiscent of George Washington's Mount Rushmore effigy.
* TM Marie confessed that she's a wolverine who howls at the moon and has subsequently become a lunatic of the first caliber. She Won Best Table Topics Award. She also debunked the wooden teeth myth and stated George's dentures were made of ivory tusks.
* TM Chris started a club contest where members voted that she and TM Jim must open that dusty $50 bottle of wine regardless of the pesky scale. A votre sante!
And then we had prepared speeches...
* TM Aleta gave us helpful tips to address dreaded topics with non-glare glasses and a hocus pocus where's my focus attitude. She Won Best Speaker Award.
* I, Ana, first-time Zoom stander, told about Henry Kinney the visionary journalist who ended up being a tunnel.
As far as evaluations go....
* TM Jose praised TM Aleta for her vast capacity to rein the audience in, give us helpful hints to respond when we have no idea what we have been asked. It's really an art!
* TM Marie asked me fervorously to find another Zoom location or get rid of my ceiling fan because the blades look like cranial propellers. She Won Best Evaluator Award.
The Word of the Day was
Good luck in making unexpected and fortunate discoveries.
Example: Serendipitous geography joined some of us EarlyBirds together, converged us into a Denny's back room; and the pandemic joined us virtually from different hemispheres and latitudes. Who would have thunk????
Here's the link to the recording:.
Best wishes to our representatives at the Contest this Saturday!
See you next week,
Ana I.
Recap Writer
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