Dear Members, Guests and Friends,
To mark the start of a FUN Halloween meeting, tuxedoed and top-hatted Amazing TM Aleta launched us with very a propos topics. We discovered that….
- TM Marie’s black cats – Puma, Suma and Sammy Miami – are very friendly and bring her good luck, although their noses and their warts protrude at night and they sleep freakingly close to the broom closet…. Just sayin….
- TM Jose plans to take flowers and clean the tomb of departed loved ones and then join millions of Madrid residents in a tumultuously horrendous traffic caravan straight to the nearest beach. It beats picnicking in a Mexican graveyard! He Won Best Table Topics Award.
- TM BeckyJo positively thinks stealing candy from a trick-or-treater bag is the crime of all crimes. BeckyJo’s own mother stole candy from her bag when she was 8 years old and BeckyJo is still in therapy to this day.
- TM Chris highly doubts she will meet a vampire or a werewolf because she, Chris, turns into a pumpkin at 7 pm and dreams about the headless horse in The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.
- TM Jeff is declining the offer of a high salary paid by now-hiring Ghostbusters, Inc. because he’s got too much going on right now getting married and whatnot.
- TM Paolo dearly misses his young daughters’ mischievous trick-or-treating in their outgrown Halloween costumes and will be a candy-hoarding Gondoliere trick-or-treater on All Hallows’ Eve.
We then proceeded to prepared speeches….
- TM Lois donned a feather mask and, party girl extraordinaire, told us of her memorable costume party where her younger brother exercised his lifelong role as party crasher.
- I, Ana, also donned the same feather mask (Party City special) and took the group on an otherworldy magic carpet ride of weird, weirder and weirdest superstitions.
- TM Jim G. looked the part in a maddeningly horrendous 18th century night cap and delivered his extraordinary rendition of The Raven. He Won Best Speaker Award.
As far as evaluations….
- TM Paolo loved TM Lois’s speech and is definitely counting on being invited to her next party. Otherwise he’ll crash it.
- DTM Kip liked my speech, word usage and my quick recovery from note-fumbling. He seriously encourages me to buy a White House-style teleprompter (currently a Best Buy special).
- TM Marie praised TM Jim G.’s delivery of the heart-wrenching story from love to madness, avoiding Raven singsong and making good use of a hoodie. She Won Best Evaluator Award.
The Word of the Day was
Shockingly dreadful
Ex.: Horrendous is a catchy word – everyone used it multiple times during the meeting today.
Thank you, Kip, for taking on multiple roles – General Evaluator, Evaluator, Timer. You are truly an inspiration to our group.
Here’s the link for the recording:
See you next week!
Recap Writer
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