Thursday, October 21, 2021

Miscellaneous Quotes, Cigar Smoking, On The Road and Pathways, not the Doldrums - an entertaining morning in EarlyBirds

Dear Members, Friends and Guests:


TM Pam started us off with great quotes that inspired us….


  • TM Lois dreamily conjured up devoted visions of Gregory Peck, whose memory opens doors in her faithful heart.
  • TM Tom revealed that improving with age is not gender-specific and his own mother was the best example.   He Won Best Table Topics Award.
  • TM Aleta’s all-time favorite is Lucille Ball, whose formula for old age was honesty – except about her own age.  TM Aleta diverges from this theory by revealing her true age.
  • TM Paolo agrees that it takes courage to grow up to become who you really are – recently demonstrated by his family’s major decision to partially relocate across the pond.
  • TM Marie feels pure unmitigated terror that her crazy high school classmates are now running the country.  She rests her case.
  • TM Carmine agrees that old age and treachery beats youth and exuberance while he’s challenged to correct his weekly calendar to the right day.
  • TM Jim G. fully concurs with Einstein’s theory that human stupidity is infinite and thinks Al should have better managed his uncoiffed hair, but then, it’s all relative.
  • DTM Mary Helen thinks the bastion of education is New Hampshire, closely followed by Massachusetts.  At least they know where New Mexico is!


Along came our prepared speeches…


  • I, Ana, reminisced descriptively about the cigar cabal.  From the onset, the industry was an Equal Opportunity Employer (see attached pictures of he/she cigar rollers).  It was just not COED.
  • TM Chris shared tales from the road as RV Debris, never Trailer Trash.  The audience clamored for a Part II, Part III and Part IV.   She Won Best Speaker Award.
  • DTM Kip pushed Pathways with a detailed presentation that reminds us, again, that we don’t need to consider it the doldrums, just choose one of 11 paths and move on.


Lastly, the evaluations…


  • DTM Kip enjoyed my speech and suggested I strategically position my notes so my eyeballs don’t bounce up and down – it’s quite distracting.  He Won Best Evaluator Award.
  • TM Tom called TM Chris’s speech whimsical, delightful, entertaining and wants to know more about how they enjoy the outdoors while making scrambled eggs in a moving vehicle.
  • TM Carmine congratulated DTM Kip for his comprehensive presentation and pondered how he makes it sound so easy.  He encouraged DTM Kip to engage in thunderous speech finales.


The Word of the Day was


CABAL, noun


A group secretly united in a plot.


Example:  Our children form a most potent cabal against the parentals.


Welcome back, Gondoliere Paolo, we look forward to you representing our Club at the next contest level!!


Recording Link:


See you next week for our Halloween-themed meeting!


Irreverently submitted,


Ana I.

Recap Writer



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