Thursday, October 14, 2021

Humor, Humor and Zoomeranging - an indigenous morning at EarlyBirds

Dear Members, Guests and Friends,


I, Ana I., started the morning with comedian quotes:


  • TM Lois is impatiently trying to slow down, a surefire way to achieve fast-acting relief – much like Dalka Peltzer.
  • TM Carmine concluded in no uncertain terms that Elvis Pelvis will not be remembered in 100 years – while several in the meeting reported Pelvis sightings as Carmine spoke.
  • TM Jeff had a near-meltdown while pondering on the incongruity of the misnomer rush hour.
  • TM Chris reflected on her Book of Morning Meditation, The Jokes of Tao, and officially agreed not to pet sweaty stuff anymore.
  • TM Marie admired the inherent quality of siblinghood’s life mission – to push buttons and annoy for a lifetime.  She Won Best Table Topics Award.
  • TM Jose is grateful not to live in northern neighborhoods where 22 hours of darkness are spent drinking and eating salmon.  He much prefers eating tapas and drinking vino in 10 hours of light a day!
  • DTM Kip compared North Carolinians, where he’s currently vacationing, to truck-driving rats.  He unequivocally stated they are indigenous to the area.


And then we heard prepared speeches…


  • In a move that was clear as mud, TM Aleta divided her speech into 2 parts and went rogue on the first segment.  In the second segment, she avoided giving a sermonette, although she did quote humorous scripture which raised the endorphin levels of the crowd.
  • TM Jim described the initially somewhat bumpy road from Denise’s to Zoomland and takes full credit for how we Early Birds have Zoomeranged.  He Won Best Speaker Award.


Lastly came the evaluations…


  • TM Tom praised TM Aleta’s vitality, enthusiasm, engaging talents,  great sense of humor and was recently spotted signing up for Aleta’s  Unconditional Fan Club.
  • DTM Kip enjoyed TM Jim’s tale, “The Saga of EarlyBird’s Person-to-Zoom Transition” and has formally applied for the movie rights.  He Won Best Evaluator Award.


The Word of the Day was




  • Living or occurring natively in a particular region or environment.
  • Relating to the earliest known inhabitants of a place, and especially of a place colonized by the now dominant group.
  • Opposing Cristoforo Colombo, Cristobal Colon, Christopher Columbus – who sailed west to go east,  didn’t know where he had landed, but somehow managed to get financed -twice- by a woman, known familiarly as Isa.


See you next week!


Ana I.

Recap Writer

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