Thursday, April 18, 2024

National Days, But For A Twist of Fate, Conflict Resolution - a non-brusque day at Early Birds

Dear Members, Guests and Friends,

I, Ana, brought up Table Topics commemorated on April 18.  We soon learned that...

* TM Jim G. fondly reminisces about his magic clothes hamper which came to a brusque end when he moved to college and the hamper was magic no more...
* TM Gail is avidly planning her Jurassic Park party catered by Velociraptor Food - the entree will consist of dinosaur chicken nuggets. We are all invited!
* TM BeckyJo agrees that candy rules and is a non-sequitur, told us that she hits her neighbor's bullseye in the shooting range - stay away from her!
* DTM Jim D admires the power of the electric linemen and gave us a heartfelt rendition of Wichita Lineman by Glen Campbell, searching for overloads.
* TM Aleta looooves to high five everyone she crosses in her day-to-day chores - neighbors, friends, relatives, acquaintances, strangers.  Long live joviality!
* TM The Tom finds inexcusable to try to compare alphabet soup to the mighty classic animal crackers.  Heaven forbid!
* DTM Mary Helen has motherly conversations with a recalcitrant raccoon that has moved into her back yard and is making good progress in raccoonworld.  She Won Best Table Topics Award.

TM Terri ran a very smooth program as first-time Toastmaster of the Day.

As far as prepared speeches go...

* I, Ana, on the anniversary of the fated Bay of Pigs failed invasion of Cuba, recalled my harrowing childhood experience of missing by a small twist of fate - having to grow up in repression, terror and poverty.  Yikes!   I Won Best Speaker Award.
* TM Jose told us that conflict is inevitable but disagreements are a good way to escape insanity - doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result - by doing something different: sticking to the subject and admitting to yourself, SILENTLY, that you are absolutely right!

As far as evlauations are concerned...

* TM Randolph thanked me, Ana, for the content of my speech because he has heard many ways of spelling Cuba but never as brusquely as I did today.  He's looking forward to more harsh interpretations of the same repression.
* TM Christine praised TM Jose for a well-organized speech and enjoyed the closeups of his very attractive face.  If he's available.... is the word!  She Won Best Evaluator Award.

The Word of the Day was


Blunt in manner or speech to the point of ungracious harshness.

Example:  Is he/she being brusque or is it an inability to suffer fools?  That, my friends, is the harsh question....

Here's the link to the recording:

See you next week!

Brusquely and yet abruptly
Very seldom do I often repeat myself
Ana I.
Recap Writer

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