Thursday, April 11, 2024

If We Had Power to Change The Past, Fun in Dysfunctional and INaturalist - a morning full of conjectures at EarlyBirds

Dear Members, Guests and Friends,

DTM Mary Helen launched us into the land of conjectures.  We soon learned that...

* TM Marie has concluded that DTM Jim D.'s piercing eyes follows our every move and we later found out he's a KGB agent!
* TM Randolph would turn back time and delve into stocks and trades - with a little insider conjectures turned to facts, to be on the winning side of that roulette game.
* TM Gail would have had a front row in JFK's snowy Inauguration - when he was a promising young President and now he's mostly an airport.
* TM BeckyJo has a special talent for following DTM Jim's sleuth cat at all times.  Spy vs Spy.
* TM Tom's cherished childhood memory led to present-day blind obedience to his feline best friend.  He Won Best Table Topics Award.
* TM Aleta got her best piece of advice from former boss and lasting friend, Bob, who taught her to be diplomatic.

As far as prepared speeches go...

* Returning TM Christine bared her childhood soul and showed us how to turn life into a humorously cathartic physical likeness to Jesus, courtesy of Polaroid Foogle Photos.  Welcome back, Christine!
* TM Pam urged us - and her botanical society - to become citizen  scientists and easily identify troglodytes aedon, lepidoptera, odonates, beggarticks, coriopsis laneolata and other aromatic herbs from her back yard.  She Won Best Speaker Award.

We had some great evaluations...

* TM BeckyJo praised TM Christine's proficient and improvised use of multimedia and encouraged her to kinda sorta maybe prepare her speech a few minutes before delivering it, if she wants to relinquish her title of Professional Fuzzer.   She Won Best Evaluator Award.
* TM Aleta already got the INaturalist App, the IMarlin for Birds and Wizards, the SnailMobile for escargots, the IFishteroids for... you guessed it!  - that's how well TM Pam's Persuasive Influence Pathways worked!

First-time Grammarian TM Gail picked a great Word of the Day:


To form an idea without sufficient evidence.

Example:   TM Gail wiped away any conjectures about her sharp listening Grammarian skills.

Here's the link to the recording:

See you next week!

Ana I.
Recap Writer 

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