Friday, April 26, 2024

Fwd: One Word Topics, The Tower of Babbel and Lady MacBeth - a tendentious morning at EarlyBirds!

Dear Members, Guests and Friends,

Self-described Lazy Topic Master Chris led us on monothematic topics.  We found out that....

* TM Ricardo smiles with his grandkids but finds it hard to smile at the local Chicago temperature.  Yikes!
* TM BeckyJo has discovered a fountain of potential plagiarism which she hopes will lead her to become The Queen of Remarkable Language Gems.
* TM Jim started out as a tv cameraman and is now mostly a Zoom cameraman.  He simply cannot forget flashbulbs and Instamatics. Those were the days, my friend....(sung to the tune of Those Were the Days My Friend)
* Guest Roslyn stated that as everyone knows, a frown is a smile upside down and proceeded to use the Word of the Day which left us all in awe of her talent.  She Won Best Table Topics Award.
* TM Emmanuel (Manny) likes relaxation but relaxation eludes him.  He then went into an echo chamber where he proceeded to relax in peace.  Good job, Manny!
* I, Ana, love comedy and the camera topic reminded me of a tragicomic incident as a teenager where I carelessly disposed of my father's expensive camera lens.  Those were the days, my friend ... (see topic #2.)

Along came two fantabulous prepared speeches...

* DTM Mary Helen said GutenMorgenGutenTagGutenAbend for starters and told us about her adventures in the Tower of Babbel. She ended with Queridosmiosesunafabulosaformadehaceramigosenotrosidiomas. Next she will start on Russian - she likes the simple ones.
* TM Aleta told us about the Scottish Curse - which is also the Scottish Purse - where soliloquies are not to be confused with monologues and theatrical superstition is to be contended with incomprehensible Old English English Leather cologne.  She Won Best Speaker Award.

And then we had some great evaluations...

* TM Pam loved DTM Mary Helen's speech but asked her to use more vocal variety in German since it's such a monotone of a language.
* First time evaluator TM Gail asked TM Aleta to record her speech on UTube and TM Gail wants the movie rights.  She Won Best Evaluator Award.

The Word of the Day was

Formal word used disapprovingly to describe someone or something biased, partial or predisposed.
Example:  Expressing or supporting a particular opinion that many others disagree with is definitely tendentious.

Here's a link to the recording:

See you next week!

Tendentiously recapped

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