Dear Members, Guests and Friends,
TM Aleta motivated us with motivational one liners....
* TM Emmanuel acts as if he's a calm and confident public speaker. He claims it's only bravado but we see him exuding calm and confidence.
* TM Tom gave an ambiguous response to avoid the nitty gritty truth because he wanted to exemplify bravado.
* TM Jim G. had a Triumph Spitfire white convertible as a teenager and it was the envy of all his friends until they found out the engine didn't work and it was just for decoration.
* I had a dream of living in the USA and I realized it by moving to Florida after a brutally hard winter in a suburb of Chicago.
* TM Randolph dropped his bravado and confessed that he lives in a toy minefield of graffiti walls, discourtesy of his two younger children. He Won Best Table Topics Award.
* TM Jose came to grips with the idea that he's not master of the universe and his daughter is not interested in his opinion most of the time.
We then moved on to prepared speeches...
* TM BeckyJo has joined the World of Pathways and gave us a geographic tour as host of international students who eat at 3 am, do not use refrigeration and give birth unexpectedly while chatting it up in her living room. She Won Best Speaker Award.
* TM Pam greatly expanded our knowledge of everyday English by talking about micro lepidoptera, who can't find host plants - tropical milkweed, quirky stem passion vines, coontie or zamia intergrifolia, among others- to lay their eggs on. More will be revealed!
As far as evaluations are concerned...
* TM Tom praised TM BeckyJo as a relaxed, competent storyteller who needs to apply for a job in The Moth Radio Hour.
* TM Chris related to the picky eater caterpillars in TM Pam's story because Florida indeed gets 1,000 new residents each day and they're using the leaves of the coonties as a garnish for their mojitos. She Won Best Evaluator Award.
TM Marie has formally achieved her degree, Summa Cum Laude, from Quinnipiac Poll Academy.
TM Jim has formally received his Certificate of Completion from the Zoomery AudioVisual University.
The Word of the Day was
A bold manner or a show of boldness intended to impress or intimidate.
"Bravado" by Lorde:
I'm faking glory; lick my lips, toss my hair and turn the smile on,
And the story's brand new, but I can take it from here
I'll find my own bravado."
The link to today's recording:
See you next week!