TM Aleta launched us off on the subject of stones. We heard that…
- DTM Jim D. counters with a question (to which he already knows the answer) when caught in an otherwise lose/lose situation.
- DTM Mary Helen has plenty of scars to prove that sticks, stones and words can certainly hurt you.
- TM Jose’s motto in life was, for many years “Let’s rock and roll” and the Stones opening a store in London has made his day.
- TM Beckyjo cannot for the life of her remember the 60s but she thinks getting stoned refers to bliblical times, which she remembers vividly. Above all, don’t bogart the joint! She Won Best Table Topics Award.
- TM Pam’s granddaughters left no stone unturned on a camping trip to the Appalachians. It’s in their DNA – Pam used to do it as a child.
- TM Jim G.’s rock of the ages is the Stones’London store. After all, a rolling stone gathers no moss.
- I (Ana) philosophically pondered about hitting rock bottom and plummeting still further down – until you make a U-turn.
In the area of prepared speeches…
- DTM Kip told us about his Plan B for Pathways, where a drum circle of ageing hippies and a Toastmaster revealed to him that life is circular, not linear, just like Pathways, and you just keep going round and round….while you look at the Pathways cheeseburger from the side and Mommy will still love you. He Won Most Improved Speaker Award.
- TM Tom cried for HELP and gathered a drum circle of ageing hippy Toastmasters to meet him via Zoom on a Saturday at 8:30 am to overcome the Pathways obstacles created by some bureaucrat who’s never had to climb any mountain, swim any ocean, turn any stone. He Won Best Speaker Award.
And lastly, for the evaluations…
- TM Marie lauded DTM Kip for his poignant analogies, especially when describing Pathways’ multiple choke points.
- TM Mildred commended TM Tom for his AHA moment which led him to recruit a thinktank to propel him forward in his quest to climb any mountain, swim any ocean, turn any stone. She Won Best Evaluator Award.
The Word of the Day was
Adj.: cultured, refined, sophisticated.
Noun: refinement, sophistication
Example: The Rolling Stones’ new store in London is chock-full of couth memorabilia, including mossy uncouth stones.
Recording of Kip on Free Toast Host:
YouTube recording of today’s meeting :
See you next week!
Ana I.
Recap Writer
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