Thursday, September 17, 2020

Herding Cats, Relationships and Old Dogs - a fun morning at Early Birds


Dear Members, Guests and Friends,


TM Mildred flexed our claustrocovid muscles this morning.  Herein our “Closed Encounters of the Covid Kind”…. (Trademark owned by TM Aleta)


  • I (Ana) self-designated homebody am thoroughly claustrofree as long as I don’t step into crowded elevators.
  • DTM Jim D. is not claustrocovid as long as people keep a distance of 6 ft from him.  His breath of open space is a wild motorcycle ride he will take as soon as he leaves this meeting.
  • TM Jim G. could safely tech host from a closed basement because he’s had ample training scuba diving in deep dark caverns.
  • DTM Kip revealed that while on his honeymoon cruise, to avoid claustrocabin, he played things right on his wedding night by spending the night with his beloved up on deck.  It’s made the marriage last.  Securely enclaved by a Dungeons & Dragons or Game of Thrones backdrop, Kip said he simply looooves the light. Go figure.
  • DTM Mary Helen grew up in open spaces; her many imaginary friends rescued her from small box enclosures and turned into an evil twin which occasionally interposes herself between Mary Helen and EarlyBirds.  She Won Best Table Topics Award.


We then moved on to prepared speeches…


  • TM Tom packed a wagonload of EarlyBird monkeys and took us to the Pathways circus.  The magic unfolded and several of us achieved multilevels in our Pathways journey.  Very sly, TM Tom!!
  • TM Jeff regaled us with wise advice about healthy relationships… between his Corgi Queen, Daisy Mae, and her little brother, Roomba Dobby, who chases her hair all over the house.
  • TM Pam confessed that her rogue cat is indifferent to learning time, he’d rather miaaaauuu loudly when hungry.  Pam is proving that you CAN teach an old dog (Pam) new tricks (Pathways) and that helps her to continue to like her hubby.  This too shall pass.   She Won Best Speaker Award.


As far as evaluations….


  • DTM Kip admired TM Tom’s ability to herd cats (formerly monkeys, aka us) and teach us how to game Pathways.
  • TM Marie expressed awe that TM Jeff’s Corgi Daisy barked on cue for his speech.  Ah,  these royal breeds are just so used to public speaking….  She Won Best Evaluator Award.
  • TM Carmine praised TM Pam for her capacity to organize thoughts and reveal aspects of her life and times in a humorous, coherent way.  Sister Pam, TM Carmine loves you!! (In case you didn’t know).


The Word of the Day was




  1. Intervene between parties.
  2. Place or insert one thing and another


Example:  DTM Mary Helen had some difficulty to interpose the WOD between her and her audience, but in the end she triumphantly screen shared it!


Below is the link for this week’s recording.


See you next week!


Ana I.

Recap Writer

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