Thursday, September 3, 2020

Labor Day, Stardust and the Electoral College - EarlyBirds talks well!


Dear Members, Guests and Friends,


I (Ana) started us off with Labor Day-related Table Topics.  Some of the things we found out….


  • TM Jose enjoyed many Labor Days running through the sprinklers and ending up with a big splash in the pool.   Ah those endless summer days….
  • TM Chris demurely reminisced about her teenage drive-in movie outings and has lately been spotted with hubby Jim at a converted Walmart parking lot enjoying popcorn and a movie – She Won Best Table Topics Award.
  • Guest Bruno Borges lives 30 minutes from the beach in Brazil and plans to bike or ride to the beach and drink lots of Caipirinhas, Labor Day weekend or not!
  • TM Mildred has always participated in Labor Day parades, and to this day her favorite part is waving, followed closely by throwing candy to the unsuspecting crowd.
  • Visiting TM Prasanna reminisced fondly about childhood picnics at her friend’s house and will restart the practice as an adult.
  • TM BeckyJo cannot recall her favorite Labor Day back in the 60s, although she is vaguely sure that it involved lots of water and a boat full of rum runners.


And then we heard prepared speeches…


  • TM Carmine came across loud and clear with his brand new equipment and pondered about the fact that all our fruit and clothes are grown and made  outside our borders.    As a tribute to Orangina, the French soda, he was wearing an orange t-shirt made in Haiti.
  • TM Tom told us about the Electoral College and in spite of rude hecklers in the audience, got his point across that the E.C. is what makes the United States unique and is a complex mechanism, not to be tampered with, much like his father’s watch. If we switch to popular vote, we could soon be celebrating Labor Day in May….    He Won Best Speaker Award and Most Improved Speaker Award.


As far as evaluations…


  • TM Mildred commended TM Carmine on his vocal variety, his analogy between stardust and international buffets.  She reminded him to wash his hands constantly with liquid soap made in China.  It’s the easiest to find.
  • TM Marie praised TM Tom’s professionalism and poise in delivering his speech and suggested he not be so nice to hecklers and just ask the host to mute them outright.  She Won Best Evaluator Award.

Our Tech Watcher, TM Chris, implored  those of us without modern laptops, to refrain from using virtual background because it projects  light out of the sockets of your eyes and frightens the audience.  In other words, it’s the Zoom equivalent of the “red eye” in Instamatic pictures of yore.


The Word of the Day was


RUDE, noun


To speak unkindly, unpleasantly.


Below is the link to today’s meeting recording:


See you next week!



Recap Writer

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