Thursday, April 30, 2020

Social Distancing Musings, Mentorship in the School of Very Hard Knocks, and Honey I'll Fix It! A fun morning at EarlyBirds


M Mildred started us off on another virtual carpet ride, and we learned that…

With the advent of Zoom, TM Marie does not even brush the back of her hair nor does she iron the backs of her blouses. Who cares? Zoom viewers only see our fronts. We are now virtually one-dimensional figures.
Returning TM Pretty feels blessed while empathizing with suffering of her fellows and dreams of the day when others will no longer be in pain. She Won Best Table Topics Award.
TM BeckyJo couldn’t select a strange experience since her life nowadays is just chock-full of strange… She suffers from face masks déjà vu and to her own amazement actually misses her day job.
TM Miki pondered the irony that 10 years ago she came to America and could do many things but culture shock kept her from participating; now she would like to participate in many things but circumstances restrict her. Isn’t that usually what happens in life??
Guest Terri would like to help others in more ways – however, she conducts virtual grief groups in the school for the underprivileged where she works, and where the kids are showing increasing signs of P.T.S.D. (probably from being home schooled by their mothers, LOL).
When push comes to shove, DTM Kip would give up his TV, since he can watch his shows on his computer. He would absolutely not give up his cellphone, even though he is painfully aware that it’s a husband-tracker so he must watch his every move, because his wife does, too. Just sayin…..

And then came prepared speeches…

TM Tom told us about how he was successfully mentored in Quantico, where his drill sergeant was more scary than the scariest horror movie; where chaos, confusion and madness reigned, but where he turned into a strong man, proud of his country and fiercely loyal to those who serve. He Won Most Improved Speaker.
TM Jeff told us about his lifelong woodsmith hobby, learned from his handy father who could fix anything. Jeff showed us some of his finest creations and held a Q&A session where we learned all about the pros and cons of repurposing wood. Who knew??? He Won Best Speaker Award.

As for evaluations….

DTM Kip praised TM Tom for showing emotion and accurately replicating the ruthlessness and cruelty inherent to top brass in the military. It’s in their DNA.
TM Marie lauded TM Jeff for an interesting, informative speech and masterful facilitating of a Q&A with different vocal variety and demeanor. He is a master builder of speeches for sure! She Won Best Evaluator Award.

The Word of the Day was

NORMAL, adjective

Conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected. (Note from Editor: In other words, everything that life is NOT at this point in time).

Example: “It’s quite normal for puppies to bolt their food.”

Next week is Tall Tales…. Bring a story, Table Topics, anything you can think of. The only requirement is that it be untrue and a complete exaggeration. Or at least, fool us into thinking so…

Virtually yours,

Ana I.


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