Thursday, May 7, 2020

A Morning of Exaggeration, Embellishment and Outright Lies: Early Bird Tall Tales At Its Best


Dear Members, Guests and Friends,

We dispensed with Table Topics and got right down to Tall Tales. And we learned that….

  • DTM Kip is a time-proven meanderer of rural prairies with lonely bulls and no, if you’re thinking this was Spain, you guessed wrong. The setting was none other than manicured landscaped Boca Raton, Florida near an ALF.
  • TM Joe had us in stitches with his family summer trip to Canada when he was 14 years old when Sicilian tempers, dropped down pants, mosquitoes feasting on old Uncles’ butts and seeing things that could never be unseen. It’s certainly “a mad, mad, mad world!”
  • At the not-so-gentle insistence of his wife, TM Carmine has drank Lysol repeatedly during the pandemic but so far it hasn’t killed him, although he’s squeeky clean inside. His wife has not given up. Stay tuned.
  • I told a story of love and betrayal, starring a Cuban couple with very long names, lots of Cuban food, Santeria, infidelity and a happy ending with impotence caused by a Tofu overdose. More will be revealed.
  • DTM Mary Helen told us of the difference between her – good natured, sweet, innocent – and her evil identical twin Maureen – excitable, wicked, twisted – who is actually the one who attends EarlyBirds in her stead.
  • DTM Jim D. told us about one of his flights on Aeroflot, a Russian version of a Cartagena de Indias bus with chickens and supplemented by lots of free-floating vodka, consumed mostly by the pilot.
  • TM Aleta is a consummate repurposer and recycler, using her lab retriever’s hair to spin a yarn and show off a Lab Retriever coat which she uses to light up her home made lint fire starters in those cold Pennsylvania winters.
  • TM Tom told us about the Taming of the Crew – his 4 children- during a vacation by car to visit Grandma up north. They barely survived the anarchic fighting and Tom’s wife started him on a Tofu diet ipso facto.

TM Jim G. kept us on time and gave a great general evaluation of the meeting. We had a number of returning EarlyBirds and guests who said they will come back.

The Word of the Day was EXAGGERATE, which needs no further explanation. Lies, lies and more lies.

Below is the link to the recording of the meeting in YouTube.

See you next week!

Virtually yours,



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