Thursday, April 16, 2020

Quotable Quotes, A Stitch in Time and Pathways Paradigm Shift - EarlyBirds virtual meeting recap


Dear Members, Guests and Friends,

I, Ana, launched us off with some profound philosophical quotes. We thus heard some profound revelations….

Guest Jose has been bombarded with so much humorous, sarcastic, ironic, you name it messages on WhatsApp, email, text messaging, you name it, that he’s had to actually become Censor-in-Charge of his Virtual Universe. So much humor may truly be the end of civilization. He Won Best Table Topics Award.
TM Jeff wondered aloud if you smile when no one else is around, does it even count????
Guest Craig agreed that it takes a lot of courage to show your dreams to someone else…. Especially when that person is not in them!! LOL
Guest Michelle tends to agree with the 50-50-90 rule: if you have a 50-50 chance of getting something right, there’s a 90% probability that you’ll get it wrong. But hey, if it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing it wrong (contrary to what they taught us as children).
Guest Maria believes that if you put a lot of passion and zest into life, living once is definitely enough because you will be absolutely, positively exhausted to even blink your eyes one single more time.
Guest Norah agrees that those who are easily shocked should be shocked more often. It’s so much fun to watch the expressions on their faces….!!!
TM BeckyJo agreed that Mae West was a truly remarkable blonde whose quote reminded her, somehow, that the more she (BeckyJo) ignores her hair, the blonder it gets….
Guest Astrid can’t decide which evil to pick when facing 2 of them. She is just torn and undecided, because they are both usually soooo attractive..

And then came the prepared speeches…

TM Aleta began her speech with clichés about being prepared, such as. “a stitch in time saves nine”, “if it’s to be, it’s up to me”, “a penny saved is a penny earned”, “a fool and his money are soon parted”. And naturally, most of us are prepared “for a rainy day” but not for a Corona monsoon…. She Won Most Improved Speaker and Best Speaker Award.
DTM Kip regaled us with a PowerPoint presentation about the many roads that inevitably lead to Pathways and how much fun it is to beat the system. Kip is available for private tutoring at the Sneaky Pathways Workarounds Virtual Academy.

As for evaluations….

TM Chris compared TM Aleta’s speaking skills to bicycle riding – even if you don’t practice for decades, you’re still a pro. Besides which, Aleta foresees the future and tied in her speech to TableTopics via Extra Sensory Perception from Pennsylvania to Florida. She Won Best Evaluator Award.
TM Pam told DTM Kip that after 30 years of going through Competent Communicator manuals and with a little help from Zoom, he has finally overcome his tendency to mumble when speaking. He has truly made her – and all of us – proud. I’m verklempt….

The Word of the Day was


A philosophical framework of any kind

Virtually yours,



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