Thursday, March 28, 2024

Fantasies, I'm Not Perfect and a Retrospective - finding our waypoint at EarlyBirds

Dear Members, Guests and Friends,

TM Jim G. led us on a path of fantasy.  We discovered that...
* TM Aleta converses fluently with a hiperclean Possum Family in her backyard - and they ended up snatching her into another dimension in front of our very eyes.
* TM Gail wants her superpower to be the capacity to sleep for 72 hours straight instead of doing algebraic calculations all night about her forthcoming icebreaker speech.
* I, Ana, revealed my weirdest dream where my late first husband and my current husband gyrated their single head in a perfect replica of The Exorcist.
* TM Marie wants cherry vanilla gelato for breakfast and was last seen headed for Baskin & Robbins.  She Won Best Table Topics Award.
* TM BeckyJo proclaimed to be Cherry Garcia in the flesh, head of a rockin'roll band of iceacream, backed by a mint chocolate chip bassist and a salted caramel electric guitar.
* TM Terri has an unusual talent for telling others what to do and for fixing them - she thinks.  The only problem is no one listens so she's had to find another waypoint.

We heard  two icebreakers today...

* TM Randolph analyzed who he's been, who he will have been, who he may have been, who he would consider being and concluded that perfect parents are those who do NOT have children... He Won Best Speaker Award.
* TM Jarrett gave us a life retrospective flashback in the best Tim Burton style which took us back through the decades to his days as a toddler alternating meals of black beans and platanitos and corned beef and cabbage.  

As far as evaluations...

* DTM Mary Helen praised TM Randolph's unwavering faith in his own beloved mother, who was seriously understaffed while raising 6 children!!  She Won Best Evaluator Award.
* TM Tom encouraged TM Jarrett to share with us how he met his wife in Rainesville before heading for the Taj Mahal. 

The Word of the Day was

A point of reference that can be used for location or navigation.
Example: The hikers finally reached their waypoint on the trail only to find out it was now called Checkpoint Bobby.

Here's the link to the recording...

ZOOM-Youtube Broadcast

DUES ARE DUE !!  Please visit, log into your account and click on Renew in the right upper corner.  Or, call TM Chris.

See you next week!

Ana I.
Waypoint Seafarer at the Buoy

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Visuals, Humor and Zoom Faux Pas: an accentuated morning at EarlyBirds!

Dear Members, Guests and Friends,

TM Jarrett was formally inducted into our Club - and immediately voluntold to evaluate one of our speakers.  Not a moment to waste.  Welcome TM Jarrett!

TM Chris accentuated that a picture is worth a thousand words and we soon learned that...

* TM Tom likes Hawaiian pink frangipani (plumeria to horticulturalists) but his all-time favorite hereditary inclination are orchids, bar none (daytime drinking not accentuated).
* I, Ana, can't for the life of me tell the difference between an unpink flamingo, a gray swan and a anhinga (known to Floridians as a snake bird) waiting to wade in propane gas heated waters.
* TM Jarrett is highly allergic to cats who eat almonds but enjoys seeing funny memes of felines climbing on oak trees.
* TM Paolo lives in the heel of the Italian boot so he's closer to Fort Lauderdale, the Venice of America, than to Venice, the Fort Lauderdale of Italy.  He Won Best Table Topics Award..
* TM Ellie is a devoted fan of  Ken - of Ken and Barbie - after seeing Ryan Gosling at the academy awards.
* TM Gail is advertising TM Chris and TM Jim's photoshopping classes which focus on realistic appendages.  She urges the Princess of Wales to sign up for their course.

Along came prepared speeches...

* TM Ricardo shared the gross medieval origin of humor stemming from black cholera and bubonic plague fluids and then had us in stitches - no medical analogy- with jokes from hither and thither.
* TM Jim G. accentuated jokes and zoom faux pas from the days when the most overused expressions were  "Can you hear me?" and "You're muted!" (even when you weren't and we could hear the unhearable).  He Won Best Speaker Award.

We had two fabulous evaluations...
* TM Jose praised TM Ricardo's international joke repertoire and suggested he lower his eyeglasses to the tip of his nose to avoid camera glare and adopt a more academic jokemaster image.  
* TM Jarrett accentuated TM Jim's gestures and suggested he take off his wedding ring to avoid sending secret signals to his other half, which she ignores anyway.   He Won Best Evaluator Award.

.The Word of the Day was

Make more noticeable or prominent
Focus attention on
Bring, call, draw attention to

Example: Ecologic dishwashing liquids accentuate the need to thoroughly pre-rinse dishware and glassware while you sing
You got to accentuate the positive
Eliminate the negative
And latch on to the affirmative
Don't mess with Mr. In-Between....

The link to the recording is below

See you next week!

Ana I.
Recap Accentuator

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Prevaricators, Equivocators and Quibblers - nothing but embellished truths at EarlyBird Toastmasters

Dear Members, Guests and Friends,

We inducted our newest member, TM Gail.  Welcome aboard!  

Without wasting any time, we showed off our unequivocal truthtelling skills....

* TM Aleta's ex, ironically named "Spike" was a lineman for the county and built her a 3-story treehouse on a Pennsylvania Sequoia, where Aleta currently resides and breeds frequent flyer snakes.
* TM Chris panned for gold in the Yukon, befriended a pet porcupine and bonded with a Sasquatch Bigfoot Yeti with magical powers who returned her to her gold-digging parents.  She Won Best Tall Tales  Award.
* TM Tom owned a bar for immigrants called Ellis Island smack in downtown Casablanca and sold the movie rights to the producer of Grand Hotel.
* DTM Mary Helen is not sure which language she's learning but Babel Live has brought her BFF Ghanan poligamist Prince Money Moody Gumbo while DTM Jim ponders it all...
* DTM Jim D. is a self-proclaimed word -and scotch - massager who wants to fly again on Aeropol Pot #13 with VIP Xerob and Chairman SplashScotchIfThere'sNo Vodka.
* I, Ana, am volting for the Man From Paris, who is currently running for Woke Mayor of Miami Beach for the proliferation of black beans and platanitos.
*  TM Jose traveled to hallowed sites like Benghazi and Tripoli, Libya, where oil sprinklers abound and now that Gaddafi is RIP, are converted into Olive Oil for Caesar Salads.

Because the order .does not alter the product (or so said my Math teacher back in the day), we then had Table Tropics, led by TM Aleta.  We soon learned that....

* TM Pam is having margaritas and singing La Cucaracha in honor of Mexico's Patron Saint, San Patricio.  Viva Chimichanga!
* TM Marie will spend Easter being Holy and gobbling down the perfect marriage - chocolate bunny ears combined with peanut butter.  Or what's a heaven for???
* TM Randolph is spending Spring Break searching for food at a Broward Fairground just a block away from home with his foodie kids.  No Elbo Room for him, no sireeee!
* TM Ricardo is planning a Toastmasters 100-year celebration in a Pacific deserted island.  All we need is a grammarian and Ah Counter.
* TM Gail West is hiring a computer savage maid to do her spring cleaning while she luxuriously sits in a hotel balcony overlooking the ocean.  She Won Best Table Topics Award.
* TM BeckyJo mostly watches her garden keenly and intently and she looooves weeds, which provide food for bees and thus she supports the Nature Channel.

General Evaluator TM BeckyJo read Yoodlie (Artificial Intelligence, better than Natural Stupidity)'s Ah Counter report:  Everyone scored 25 Ahs or more, 35 Errrs or more and 40 You knows in the course of the meeting.  She marveled at our group's capacity to tell the truth, the complete truth and nothing but the truth - so don't help us God!

The Word of the Day was


A person who speaks falsely; a liar
A person who avoids precise truths, a quibbler, an equivocator.

Example:  TM Pam is in direct competition with her prevaricator Rain Bird sprinkler timer for internet stability.  Rain Bird prevails, most of the time.

Here's the link to the recording:

Equivocally submitted,

Ana I.
Recap Fibber

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Manipulating Time, Accentuate the Positive and Publicity Squad - an incipiently fun morning at EarlyBirds!

Dear Members, Guests and Friends,

We received the Club Inspection visit of our Area Director, DTM Tim M.  Our hefty bribes paid off - we passed with flying colors!

I, Ana, started us off by confronting the starkly incipient advent of Daylight Savings Time.  At the end, the process became clear as mud...

* DTM Mary Helen doesn't even need kids and pets who can't tell time because she's got a permanent menagerie in her mind.
* DTM Tim is precise like a Swiss watch to set his clocks on military time.
* Incipient TM Gail is not a morning person, so being at EarlyBirds is as productive as her Daylight Savings Time will ever get.
* TM BeckyJo has learned to change all her clocks, use AI, install software, traverse computer systems and is joining The Geeks Squadron.  She Won Best Table Topics Award.
* Incipient TM Barry has offered to give DTM Tim a crash course on understanding military time.
* TM Randolph is leading  an activist movement to start Daylight Savings Time  on Friday at 4 pm.

Along came the prepared speeches...

* TM Pam has guts, grits and werewithal to acctivate her confidence gene, which is sometimes on a dimmer switch.  She Won Best Speaker Award.
* TM Aleta claims doing Evaluations has enabled her to hear a pin drop in a thunderstorm.  For real.

As far as evaluations.go...

* TM The Tom praised TM Pam for not succumbing to her recalcitrant water pump which  almost modified her planned tombstone epitaph.  He Won Best Evaluator Award.
* TM Terri applauded TM Aleta's use of pompons as realia (objects and materials from everyday life, used as teaching aids) and was last seen headed to a sports outlet to buy some.

The Word of the Day was

Beginning to come into existence or to become apparent.

Example:  The funnel clouds signaled the arrival of a nasty tornado.  Run for it!

Next week the theme is TALL TALES - where everything goes.... except the truth!

Here's the link to the recording:

See you next week!

Ana I.
Incipient recalcitrant indomitable Recap Writer