Thursday, September 28, 2023

Various Topics, New Projects and Procrastination - we reached our Zenith this morning at EarlyBirds!

Dear Members, Guests and Friends,

We were delighted to be visited by our Area Director, TM Tim, who was immediately voluntold to be our Grammarian and did a superb job!

He also announced that there will be an Officers Meeting this coming Saturday September 30 at 3 pm.  Plan to be there!  More details to follow.

First time Table Topics Master TM Emmanuel led us on thought-provoking topics, some of them accompanied by visual aids.  Great job, Manny!  We were to discover that...

* I, Ana, would plant chrysanthemums, bouganvillae and perennials - if only I could grow a green thumb first to replace my biological purple thumb.
* DTM Jim D. almost bought a real horse for his young daughter but when he realized horses only have ONE Horsepower, he went for a Harley Davidson instead.
* TM Jose's scariest movies were The Exorcist, Rosemary's Baby and Black Friday Part 1.  Now audiovisual effects in regular movies are scary enough for him! He Won Best Table Topics Award.
* TM The Tom believes CALIF stands for Come And Live In Florida, and he likes everything about Florida except unmentionable storm systems.
* TM Chris is partly responsible for the antitrust movement because she cannot refrain from shopping -and returning- stuff on Amazon.  It's just so easy!
* TM Marie, on the other hand, prefers to shop in person, experience the mall, chat with the clerks, try on 50 pairs of shoes and find the ones that fit her ever-growing feet.   Different strokes for different folks!

Along came prepared speeches...

* TM Pam has undertaken a new hobby/project to combat her non-finisher condition.  Her watercolor paints and a bit of salt turn her magnolias into flamingos and dandelions into zebras.  The sky's the limit!  She Won Best Speaker Award.
* TM BeckyJo gave us an Easy Guide to Procrastination: tv series, move to the paradise Someday Isle, do mundane tasks, snooze the clock and show up last minute to improvise your speech.  Impressive!

As far as evaluations...

* TM Jim G. greatly enjoyed TM Pam's new hobby, her vocal variety, her polifacetic nature, and volunteered to evaluate her again at the end of October although he will be traveling in Iceland. Nothing stops a TM evaluator!
* TM The Tom was totally impressed by TM BeckyJo's genuine authenticity and pointed out that he is the King of Procrastination to her role as Queen.  He Won Best Evaluator Award.

The Word of the Day was

ZENITH, noun

The time at which something is most powerful or successful.

Example: The above definition is true, except when referring to our parents' Zenith TVs and radios back in the 50s.  Not quite!!

See you next week!

Recap Writer,

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