Thursday, September 14, 2023

Then and Now, Now and Then, and Then and Now - a day of reminiscing at EarlyBirds!

Dear Members, Guests and Friends,

Newly inducted TM Terri led us on a beautiful invocation in the Christian tradition.

That started us off on a very special and unusual meeting, commemorating our Club's 60th anniversary!

TM Pam led us in Table Topics referring to THEN and NOW.  We soon found out that...

* Guest Miki is searching for a job in Kumamoto, Japan, and implored us to recite  "Hire Miki, Hire Miki" across the miles to help her find a great job!
* TM Terri 'fessed up that she was a goody two-shoes on the outside THEN, but she was trying different things and she was smoking funny things.  More will be revealed in future speeches!
* TM Marie missed a lot of special moments with loving people because she was too busy making grocery lists.  Now she orders online.
* TM Randolph was the dude who spoke to his firstborn in utero pre-birth and dressed up in a tux to make a good impression upon the baby's arrival. He Won Best Table Topics Award.
* TM Jim G. wistfully reminisced that music was better in the 60s and 70s - Steely Dan, The Eagles, Chicago, Creedence Clearwater Revival, and the band before Wings.  A playlist is in the works for Saturday!
* TM Jose likes now better than then because he's retired and doing what he likes, and he appreciates the good use of G{S technology, which allows us to find our destination without those pesky printed maps.

We had two extraordinary speeches by 3 speakers today.  All of them said "Frankly my dear, I don't give a ..... " to the Timer and it was well worth it!

* TM Chris has been in TM since birth in a Club appropriately called the Alaska Gnomes and has finally gotten on the Pathways track to set a good example to the rest of us.  Just pick Dynamic Leadership and get on with it, people!
* DTM Mary Helen and TM Aleta, aka The EarlyBird In Its Infancy members, reminisced about our late founders, Virginia Hettinger, Neil McLaren and Kip Barkley - gone but not forgotten!  What it was like, then and now.  The Ahs were still counted and dinged. The camaraderie was present, and the Grand Slams were the icing on the skillet, if you will.  .  

We received the surprise visit of our one of early members, TM Carmine, zooming in from Texas and immediately putting the Timer on Standby Alert.  Great to see you, Carmine!

And then came the Evaluations...

* TM Randolph was awed by TM Chris's teaching skills while giving us a birdseye view from 1,000 ft above straight onto Pathways.
* TM Jim G. reminisced about his first days at Denny's, and did not give out his secret recipe for corned ham.  You must be present to eat!!  He Won Best Evaluator Award.

The Word of the Day was

An indication of things to come

Example:  The corned ham TM Jim G. is preparing is a harbinger that the party will be well attended!  

Have fun at the party!  Some of us will Zoom in - same login as the weekly one.

Here's the link to the recording:

See you soon!

Ana I.
Recap Writer

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