Thursday, August 17, 2023

Self-created Table Topics, Magical History Tour and Caterpillars and Larvae - variety is the name of the game!

Dear Members, Guests and Friends,

Our meeting was all about flexibility, improvisation, omissions and spontaneity today. 
We skipped the Invocation and the Joke but we enthusiastically recited The Pledge of Allegiance, yes siree, we did!!

Our Topic Master, Tom, had spent inordinate amounts of time preparing a topic and then decided, last minute, to leave all the work to the participants.  We had to pick our own Topic!

We thus found out that...

* DTM Jim D. couldn't hurkle-durkle on his last trip as he had to catch one crack-of-dawner flight after another!
* I, Ana, am reading Bacardi and the Long Fight for Cuba as I hurkle-durkle with a Rum & Coke (aka as The Lie, formerly Cuba Libre) while flipping the pages.
* TM Jose told us about a remarkably humble musician named Rodriguez who made it big in South Africa and remained in construction to hurkle-durkle instead of rewriting his employment history.
* TM Ricardo used the theory behind Eat, Pray, Travel to reconnect with his 3 sisters, who taught him how to understand complicated females without even trying!
* TM Marie today celebrates her anniversary to a creative Rock who designed a fairytale wedding and whose marriage has succeeded mostly thanks to the precipitation levels of rain  in Fort Lauderdale.  She Won Best Table Topics Award.
* TM Pam recently found out that wasp larvaes are carnivore, not vegan.  Attention everyone - more will be revealed in Part II.
* TM Aleta thinks she lives in Dull City, USA, a minuscule section of the large cosmos, where she sits on various Boards, is a labor mediator, a John Deere tractor troubleshooter, a brush-cutting, tree-chopping, fireplace stoker, and other 'minutae'. 

And then came the terrific prepared speeches...

* TM Jose took us on a Magical History Tour of the Principality of Andorra, a tax haven for influencers under 25 years of age who like to golf at high altitudes and pledge allegiance to France's Emmanuel Macron and the Bishop of Urgell (a third cousin twice removed of Richard the Lionheart and his illegitimate son Philip of Cognac).  
* TM Pam gave vivid comparisons of her own life metamorphoses versus Kafka's charming roach story and is ever so grateful that her soul is timeless and although her hands tell a weathered story, her spirit is still a teenager's, so she's been practicing the Limbo Rock - how low can you gooooo???   She Won Best Speaker Award.

As far as evaluations go...

* TM Tom praised TM Jose's spiritual message of his golden labradoodle riding on a cable car barking at the lowly cows below.  Jose's impressive library collection so impressed him that he suggested Jose blurs it next time.  He Won Best Evaluator Award.
* DTM Mary Helen unequivocally stated that TM Pam's speeches render her, MH, speechless and that it's a good thing hummingbirds have not been able to eat us due to a challenging size discrepancy between our two species.

The Word of the Day was


200-year-old Scottish word meaning to lie in bed or linger about when one should be up doing things.

Example:  Hurkle-Durkle is the reason the Scots's expertise focuses on time-travel tv series versus working on improving their accent so everyone besides other Scots can understand them.

Here's the link to the recording:

See you next week!

Recap Writer 
Hurkle-Durkle not for now

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