Thursday, August 31, 2023

Idioms, Constitutional Thriller and Fashionistas of the 60s - edgelording at EarlyBirds!

Dear Members, Guests and Friends,

TM Marie inspired us with an invocation about possibility.

TM Aleta led us in Idiomatic Table Topics.  We soon learned that...

* TM Jose uses "Pardon My French" when he curses in the US and "Pardon my English" when he cur ses in France.
* TM Emmanuel thinks "with flying colors" means booking flights with different airlines.
* DTM Mary Helen had a very erotic fantasy visualizing slathering butter and gobfuls of jam to edgelord her dietetic protocol.
* TM Randolph would rather abstain from "cutting the mustard" and cutting the cheese because inevitably he's left with cleaning up the dishes.
* TM Terri (welcome back!) pointed out the importance of wearing her heart on her sleeve, although the Miami summer heat keeps her sleeveless.
* Guest Nett falls  "head over heels" often in honor of her Southerness but mostly for her edgelord son.
* Guest Millie stated that her grandsons are "the apple of her eye" and they are of the Golden Fuji variety.
* DTM Jim D. says the best thing since sliced bread is... sliced bread with a slather of butter and gobfuls of jam. Get it???? He Won Best Table Topics Award.

Along came the prepared speeches...

* TM Tom kept us with baited breath by presenting us with a ctituional thriller, in which we did not know if the unkown person was caught in flagrante delicto (or infraganti with his married lover) and it turned out to be a 1700s incarnation of Jackson or Travolta.  Don't miss the next episode!
* I, Ana, revealed my condition of hyperthymesia which led me to get hired with go-go boots into a maritime non-prostituion ring which ended with mandatory 3-month summer vacations.  I Won Best Speaker Award.

And as far as evaluations...

* DTM Mary Helen attested that she has never heard a cliffhanger speech of the constitutional variety in all her years in Toastmasters.
* TM Marie is seriously considering wearing hot pants and going disco-dancing again real soon.  She Won Best Evaluator Award.

The Word of the Day was


a provocative person, especially online.  

Can be used as a verb, as in "I like edgelording others.  It beats plain old-fashioned confrontation.

Here's the link to the recording:

See you next week!

Ana I.
Recap Writer

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