Dear Members, Guests and Friends,
DTM Jim D got us into the swing of things with creepy recollections of Halloween...We discovered that...
* TM Marie was the attention-hoarder Blue Bird of Happiness at her son's elementary school and her son, in turn, became an unhappy ignored Ninja.
* TM Jose and his hippy friends starred in their own Halloween comedy caper in the humorless Halloweenless country of Spain (in the 70s) and almost got arrested. He Won Best Table Topics Award.
* TM BeckyJo's wildest costume was as a boxer - to conveniently cover a black eye.
* TM Pam loves treats and has signed up for a birthday freebie of hot bacon popcorn - which sounds more like a trick.
* TM Randolph is getting ready to go trick-or-treating with his kids - at his wife's command- and sad to neglect the trick-or-treaters who regularly count on him dishing out candy for them. His wife rules, though.
* TM Tom's former wife used to hand out cooked spaghetti dipped in cold water and passed them off as worms, to the squealing delight/horror of the neighborhood kids.
* I, Ana, created outrageously common average unspooky decorations and left the creativity to my daughters.
Along came the prepared speeches...
* In an amazing Icebreaker, TM Manny revealed to us that parenting is absolutely traumatic with generous measures of pride and joy sprinkled therein; and that insanity is definitely hereditary - we get it from our kids. He Won Best Speaker Award.
* TM Aleta is in the midst of a strict training regimen to shed the spare tire in her midriff and time travelling via Sony Walkman as she sings "Pretty Woman, Walking Down the Street...." (sung to the tune of "Pretty Woman").
As far as evaluations go...
* DTM Jim D. praised TM Manny for his formidable Icebreaker and for using up the timing requirements to the very last second, all with a captivating smile.
* TM Paolo was so motivated by TM Aleta's confidence and inspirational talk that he was last seen walking to Miami Airport to catch the next flight to Italy. He Won Best Evaluator Award.
The Word of the Day was
WRITHE, verb
To twist body or a bodily part, usually in pain.
Example: The Beatles's first hit was originally called "Twist and Writhe" and later renamed to honor the resulting sound effect "Twist and Shout".
Here's the link to the recording:
See you next week!
Recap Writer
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