Dear Members, Guests and Friends,
I, Ana, led with Table Topics about our favorite movies.... We found out that
* Returning TM Astrid started watching horror flicks at the tender age of 6 and has become a fan of Friday the 13th (now rated G) for life.
* TM Paolo is an absolute fan of gangster movies to the detriment of old "spaghetti westerns"; give him Pacino and DeNiro if only he (and the rest of us) could distinguish between the two.
* TM Tom liked The Entertainers and their slapstick humor which had cars flying over bridges and other hilarious occurrences.
* DTM Mary Helen delighted us in a duo with TM Chris about washing that man right out of their hair. Ah, those beloved musicals.... She Won Best Table Topics Award.
* TM Jim G. loved Tron, the first CGI (computer graphic imaging) movie, a precursor to the CT-SCAN and the MRI. His all-time favorite is still Flash Gordon.
* TM Val was forever impacted by the restaurant scene in When Sally Met Harry and she's been Sleepless in Macon ever since.
Then came the prepared speeches...
* TM Jose (aka Miguel) inspired us to buy his hair beauty business in Spain after we bleach that gray right into our hair, like in Fame of Phones. He Won Best Speaker Award.
* TM Aleta regaled us with humor, quips and one-liners of our past Presidents, and taught us the valuable skill of how to diaper a baby like it's a baseball field.
As far as evaluations go...
* TM Pam was enthralled to be grayishly fasionable au naturel as she is not willing to add one single penny to the staggering $500 billion a year hair product industry.
* TM Tom praised TM Aleta's nicely woven story and asked her to cut the flushing of the toilet part to meet the time requirements. He Won Best Evaluator Award.
The Word of the Day was
To confuse or disconcert; to bewilder
Example: In Toastmasters we learn not to let hecklers discombobulate us when we're speaking in public. Pathways allows us to practice!
See you next week!
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