Dear Members, Guests and Friends,
Offshore ever more, TM Jose launched us down eerie pathways....(pun intended). Aghast, we soon learned that...
* TM Aleta (aka Bugsy Malone irredemption) stuffed herself with pillows and overdosed on sugar while dressed as an innocent tramp in her rural childhood.
* TM Paolo's childhood was Halloween-deprived but he had 100 times more fun than the Halloween a'plenty childhood of today's kids. Long live tiramisu!
* TM Val depletes the candy shelves of her local stores so her tree-filled brick-facade home will not be toilet papered and egged.
* DTM Mary Helen became a candy hoarder early on in childhood and could care less about political or celebrity costume lookalikes.
* TM Tom's sugar high is provided by sexy revealing dream girl, Elvira.
* TM Emmanuel is scared of carved pumpkins, eerie costumes, skeletons, spiderwebs and candy, but Halloween's one redeeming quality is pumpkin soup.
* I, Ana, no longer decorate my home as there are no kids in my neighborhood but spent my childhood years in Havana dressed up as a zebra for Halloween.
* TM BeckyJo, in cognito, is scared of driving in the dark. We all ought to be scared of her driving in the dark. Her favorite costume is as an Italian dinner. She Won Best Table Topics Award.
* TM Chris revealed that her scary creature of the night is none other than her husband- and the raven that follows them everywhere in the RV.
Along came the prepared speeches and we were to learn that...
* TM Marie was hell-bent on dispeling our fears of bats, on International Bat Week. Only .333333% of bats drink blood - but boy, are they thirsty. They have bellybuttons and have good vision. But they're eerily crazy for sure. She Won Best Speaker Award.
* TM Jim G. delighted us with a rendition of Edgar Allan Poe's The Raven. Leonore, Leonore, to the core and nothing more, except for the raven with psychedelic eyes.
Along came evaluations...
* TM Tom confessed that after hearing TM Marie's speech, his new heroes are bats, those cuddly self-grooming mammals with opposable thumbs.
* TM Paolo loved the delivery of The Raven although he asked for subtitles next time. He Won Best Evaluator Award.
TM BeckyJo evaluated the entire meeting and gave it a gold star but would not reveal where COGNITO is. More will be revealed.
The Word of the Day was
EERIE, adj.
Strange and frightening
Example " Kid ghosts sit around campfires telling eerie human stories."
Answer to the riddle "Where do deviled eggs come from?" is: FROM EVIL HENS!!
Link to the recording:
See you next week!
Ana I.
Recap Ghostamzayas Writer