Thursday, March 17, 2022

O'Fun, O'Fun, O'Fun - St Patty's Day at EarlyBirds

Dear Members, Guests and Friends,


Top of the Morning!


Why don’t you want to iron a 4-leaf clover???  Because you don’t want to press your luck!


The ancestral -or adoptive- Irish in us led us to a plethora of shenanigans.


DTM Mary 0’Helen started us off with clever clover 0’Table Topics.   We discovered that, as 0’Kermit The Frog wisely said, “It’s not easy being green”….


  • TM 0’Carmine loves duality, aphorysms, parables, paradoxes, antonyms and green-eyed monsters.
  • TM 0’Marie stated unequivocally that celebrities wait in the green room of late late night shows by snacking, crimping, drinking or shrimping.  As a green room celebrity, she would just be chatting.
  • I, TM 0’Ana, love green, ripe, spotted, mashed or diced bananas and their third cousin twice removed – plantains- because my ancestors were Cuban-Irish primates who drank banana daiquiris on St Patty’s Day.
  • TM 0’Lois likes the feel of brand new, ironed green bills, and fully believes in a green cheese moon.  Her motto is green-go!
  • DTM Jim O’D wore a head-to-toe Irish costume to his first date with DTM 0’Mary Helen…. And miraculously survived.  Ah…. The luck of the Irish for sure!
  • TM 0’BeckyJo only gets green around the gills when she wants to take a day – or a few days- off from work.  The old conundrum:  What comes first?...
  • TM 0’Chris eats her greens faithfully and they make her mind sharp and skillful to play an impromptu slide show of a memorable St Patty’s Day party at the O’Ds Irish abode.
  • TM 0’Aleta revealed that Johnny Appleseed planted his first apple tree in Philly and was the great great grandfather of Aleta’s Granny Smith.
  • TM 0’Pam has lately been eating fried green tomatoes and collard greens and joined the Native Plant Society.
  • TM 0’Scott faithfully eats his greens but understands that there are no greener pastures than his out there – merely different shades of green.   He Won Best Table Topics Award.


We had two great prepared speeches…


  • TM O’Pam is currently experiencing first-world decision fatigue regarding travel choices across the country – with or without a newly-to-be-adopted cat.   She and her husband have finally found their core muscles by learning to get up gracefully off the floor.
  • TM 0’Scott mindfully taught us non-judgemental, less reactive, sympathetic and parasympathetic responses to external stimulation in 5 to 7 minutes.  He Won Best Speaker Award.


As for the evaluations…


  • DTM O’Kip finds TM 0’Pam amusing and entertaining and wants more and more guffaws in her next speech.  He’s voting that she take the new cat on the birding trip to Maine.
  • TM 0’Chris praised TM 0’Scott for his capacity to engage the audience and his ability to stop us from mentally reviewing our grocery list during the speech.  She Won Best Evaluator Award.


The Word of the Day was



  1. Secret or dishonest activity
  2. Silly or high-spirited behavior.


Etymology:  from old Irish sionnachighim, which means ‘play the fox’ (while you dance the fox trot and drink green beer)


Link to the recording today


See you next week!


Irishly submitted,


Ana I.

Recap Writer



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