Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Beachcombing, mimosas and other aromatic herbs... an EarlyBird meeting for real

Dear Members, Friends and Guests,


Some of us Broward Countyers congregated -under the sound organizational skills of DTM Mary Helen- at a cozy beachfront gazebo and confirmed widespread suspicions that after prolonged weekly gatherings in a virtual reality we have become, in effect,  human holograms!!


True to holographic form, this is what we projected….


  • TM Randolph wore his virtual background
  • TM Tom supervised the group like a former Platoon Brigadier General
  • TM Jim and TM Chris attempted to pay their bill with bitcoin and almost succeeded
  • DTM Kip honored his Irish ancestry by downing several mimosas, to avoid revealing whether he’s Irish Catholic or Protestant
  • TM Marie wore her Panama hat (made in Ecuador) in case the sun’s pernicious rays could penetrate the metal roof of the gazebo…
  • DTM Mary Helen was extremely dexterous as a one-arm bandit and left not a single crumb on her plate…
  • DTM Jim gave financial tips for credit rating protection (pay the full credit card balance on the last day of the month) to imaginary youngsters who pay the minimum owed…
  • TM Lois kept repeating insistently -and perplexingly- that her meal was American….  Awright, Lois!
  • I, Ana, in a mesmerizing display of appalling disorientation and cluelessness, took 30 minutes to locate the meeting place…

In all seriousness,  we had great fun reminiscing about old times when we were simply average humans who used to meet at Frenny’s to listen to speeches while having Cardiovascular Testing Skillets and Bacon Shakes.  Today, we missed our geographically distant friends.  We will soon start planning for EarlyBirds’ 60th anniversary next year, to give everyone sufficient notice to defy any space and time continuum.


Lastly, TM Carmine was last seen walking north on the juncture of Hillsboro Blvd. and AIA-  and finally asking for directions.


Jocularly submitted,


Ana I.

Pelican Chronicler



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