Dear Members, Guests and Friends,
TM Jim G. led us in a Solstice Invocation, which marked the way to Solstice-inspired Table Topics by TM Aleta. We thus discovered that…
- TM Chris used to play midnight hopscotch growing up with her friends in Alaska, where solstice is known as an oxymoron. She Won Best Table Topics Award.
- TM Paolo used to like Florida’s hot, hotter and hottest seasons but after 20 years he now likes it cold, colder, coldest – but balmy indoors.
- DTM Kip does his level best to help the sun rise by reveling, partying, carousing and yuletiding – everywhere except in the Mediterranean, where the sun doesn’t need his help.
- I, Ana, agree that guests and fish get smelly after a few days. This applies specifically to in-laws, and excludes my dear brother.
- TM Marie is convinced that the elf-on-the-shelf is creating a new generation of paranoid humans with delusion of persecution. Her personal Santa Claus does not keep score.
And then came the prepared speeches…
- TM Lois told the story of Judah Maccabee, who led the Maccabean Revolt against the Syrians which gave birth to Hannukah, when she and her family have a Secret Maccabee Gift Exchange. Her gifts were heartwarming this year.
- TM Jim G. delighted us with an excellent rendition of “A Visit From St Nicholas”, a tradition started by late EarlyBird TM Neil many years ago. He Won Best Speaker Award.
- DTM Kip reminded us that in the world of speaking, laughs are gold. Call to action: Consider using a mentor, we don’t know how far we will go.
As far as evaluations…
- TM Paolo lauded TM Lois for her passion, enthusiasm and excitement and encouraged her to stand up for her next speech to give us a greater range of vision. He Won Best Evaluator Award.
- TM Marie praised TM Jim G., storyteller extraordinaire, for an almost ethereal impersonation of St. Nicholas, including the hearty laugh and the twinkle in the eye.
- TM Aleta commended DTM Kip for his speech on mentoring. Kip, mentor of mentors. Motivational speaker par excellence…
The Word of the Day was:
Extremely delicate and light in a way that seems too perfect for this world.
EarlyBirds voted to have another ethereal meeting next week, on the eve of New Year’s Eve.
Dates to Remember:
Jan 13, 2022 – Table Topics Club Contest
Jan 20, 2022 – International Speech Club Contest
Here’s the link to today’s recording:
Ethereally submitted,
Ana I.
Recap Writer
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