Dear Members, Guests and Friends,
TM Chris started the morning with Table Topics choices:
- TM Tom waxed poetic when choosing mountain or beach vacay …”the reason for the season – to wander thereabouts….”
- TM Lois likes choosing personal gifts while gift cards are best for students – and visiting a neighbor during Christmas definitely takes the cake.
- TM Carmine chooses bed over lazyboy or couch, as his lazybed is where he does his best thinking, his best reading and, let’s face it, his best lazying.
- TM Pam chooses both vegetable and flower garden. Just please get rid of the chemically-induced South Florida lawns which in turn will drive local leaf blower companies out of business. Oh well…. She Won Best Table Topics Award.
- TM BeckyJo gave us a handy life formula: comedy = tragedy + time. She binge-watches Frasier, a timeless show with a crazy cast for crazy audiences. To a tee.
We had outstanding prepared speeches today…
- TM Paolo’s motivational speech encouraged us to soar like an eagle with vision, focus, fearlessness, training hard and performing extracurricular activities in midair – for the latter, we humans must join the highly unofficial Mile High Club. He Won Best Speaker Award.
- TM Aleta courageously delivered a speech about whether to plod like a turtle or race like a rabbit, while dealing with repeated interruptions from a rambunctious audience. In humorous speeches, to pause before the punchline… or… after the punchline? That, my friends - as Billy Shakespeare would say- is the question.
And then came our evaluations…
- TM Jim G. praised TM Paolo for his excellent speech delivery and generous hand and body gestures while intently keeping and eagle-like laser-focused eye contact with the camera lens. He Won Best Evaluator Award.
- DTM Kip praised TM Aleta for actually delivering a useful speech while effectively managing a bunch of crazies – call them bulls in a china shop or an unruly mob of muppets.
The Word of the Day was:
the action of marking one's pleasure at an important event or occasion by engaging in enjoyable, typically social, activity.
"The Empty Nest syndrome actually turned out to be a cause for celebration" – a quote attributed to United Burned Out Parents Of The World, LLC.
This week’s recording can be accessed on this link:
See you next week!
Irreverently yours,
Ana I.
Recap Writer
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