Dear Members, Guests and Friends:
As TopicMaster, I started us off with some phobias and it soon became confusingly clear that some people have a phobia of the phobia:
- TM Jose suffers from a phobia of arachibutyrophobia (the fear of peanut butter) since his basic diet consists of peanut butter and pancakes, backed by heavy doses of statins.
- TM Jim resists ataxophobia (the fear of disorder) – by filing his taxes in a very orderly fashion and he is now on a first-name basis with his IRS auditor.
- TM Paolo has the onset of ephebiphobia (fear of teenagers) which is the #1 phobia worldwide for anyone who is not a teenager. “Dio me salve!”, he implores of fate and the universe.
- TM Aleta avoids octophobia (fear of figure 8) but suffers from chapodiphobia (fear of octopi) especially in their male human version. All those arms… with suckers, to boot!
- TM Carmine overcame allodoxaphobia (fear of opinions) by sharing several existential opinions with us within the 2-minute time limit. Open casket or closed casket? It all depends on the state of the teeth. “A man’s reach is greater than his grasp – or what’s a heaven for?” But I digress.
- TM Joe fears having to pronounce atychiphobia (fear of failure) which tailspinned us like a wheel within a wheel, never ending or beginning on an ever-spinning reel. He Won Best Table Topics Award.
- DTM Mary Helen conquered her gamophobia (fear of marriage) by running into a humorous Toastmaster being served Italian wedding soup at a local diner on her wedding day. Astrology is the name of the game.
We had an icebreaker today….
- TM Marie guided us through her daily routine which begins promptly at the time most of us retire for the evening. Centering Prayer has eliminated the jargon from her inner dialogue and her body now actually whispers back to her to please hit the Snooze button. She Won Best Speaker Award.
We then had an evaluation…
- TM Pam praised TM Marie for the flow and continuity of her speech and for challenging all of us to send a poll to our bodies and listen to the feedback. She knows her own body is waiting to hear that she, Pam, will start taking care of it, oh, any day now. She Won Best Evaluator Award.
Zoom Master Report:
- TM Paolo, unknowingly suffering from atelophobia (fear of imperfection) praised DTM Kip’s suspenders against the background of the unseen but imagined Jasper, Georgia mountain range and remarked that TM Marie was perfectly well centered to explain Centering Prayer, which could only be topped by wearing a white linen blouse in the pristine tropical beach backdrop.
The Word of the Day was
(Mispronounced FLOTILA phonetically – it’s FLOTIYA phonetically)
1. A fleet of ships or boats; 2 or more squadrons of small warships (such as the Dunkirk evacuation, the retaking of the Falkland Islands, or the Mariel boatlift more recently)
2. An indefinitely large number.
We conducted our annual Club Elections and after a very intense, highly competitive campaign, the results are finally in:
President – TM Paolo
VP Education – DTM Kip , per secula seculorum
Treasurer – DTM Jim D.
Secretary – TM Tom
VP Membership – DTM Mary Helen
VP Public Relations – TM Chris
Sargeant-at-Arms – TM Randolph
Immediate Past President – TM Jeff
Inauguration Ceremony will be held on Thursday, June 24 at 7 am. The new officers will officially begin their term on July 1.
Next week we will have a Hybrid Meeting – DTM Kip, DTM Mary Helen, TM Jim G., TM Chris will be transmitting from the Back Room in our old Denny’s on Powerline and Oakland Park Blvd. Denny’s has managed to maintain its ambiance throughout this time and is avidly waiting to serve their legendary Skillets.
For the rest of us, see you Zoom! Same login applies.
Video link for today’s meeting
Respectfully submitted,
Ana I.
Recap Writer
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