Dear Members, Guests and Friends,
TM Carmine spurtled our thoughts about skills learned at Toastmasters. We found out that….
- TM Paolo has become a keen observer of vocal variety and nuance, skills that now border on perfect although not always present.
- TM Jeff’s presidential duties have taught him to decipher toddlers’ undecipherable language.
- I, Recap Ana, am not certain about the impact of anything, other than the fact that I have a blast writing zany recaps.
- TM Jonathan, perennial driver, visits clubs mostly to announce that they have earned Distinguished President’s Award. We were no exception.
- TM Jose has vastly spurtled his use of crutch words by vividly thinking of us, EarlyBirds, when presenting a work seminar. He Won Best Table Topics Award.
- TM Chris loves being a tech watcher because unlike her professional life audience, she connects with us at our meetings.
- TM Jim G. embraces technology and likes to stir the pot with a spurtle although he concedes the real spurtle master is Chris.
The prepared speeches today provided variety and like a good spurtle, stirred our pot and our senses….
- TM Randolph broke out in song (to the tune of This Is A Man’s World by James Brown). Oh and how true the message is! He Won Best Speaker Award.
This is a man's world, this is a man's world
But it wouldn't be nothing, nothing without a woman or a girl
You see, man made the cars to take us over the road
Man made the train to carry the heavy load
Man made electric light to take us out of the dark
Man made the boat for the water, like Noah made the ark
This is a man's, man's, man's world
But it wouldn't be nothing, nothing without a woman or a girl
- DTM Kip took us down memory lane to the Old Trading Post, where Asian Bistros were allowed to take over those snotty French Cafes in historic Las Olas Boulevard. In one of them, he married the girl of his dreams – after signing a corporate prenup which has helped the marriage stay strong and has kept those shares intact.
As for the evaluations….
- TM Marie praised TM Randolph for his speech, with its plethora of information, vocal variety, inspiration and fun facts. She especially liked the fact that he implemented her suggestions from her first evaluation – a rare occurrence in these instances. She Won Best Evaluator Award, hands down.
- TM Tom was awed by DTM Kip’s ability to knit together an excellent yarn and he, Tom, got so caught up in his own weave that the cat of Tall Tale fame reappeared and made him lose track of all time. According to trustworthy sources, he is still evaluating Kip at 9:17 am Eastern Standard Time.
Our Toastmaster of the Day, TM Aleta, the woman with many last names, graciously, good-naturedly and smoothly ran our meeting. She is one of our group’s Zoom gifts!
Tech Watcher TM Jim G. verbally recapped the entire meeting and, without mentioning names, poignantly reminded the undersigned to get my act together regarding screen sharing. Awright already….
Zoom Watcher TM Barone poetically awarded TM Marie the Best Zoom Screen Ribbon for her perfectly centered position in a corner angle room with sunrays highlighting her golden tresses and silk blouse. He also casually alerted the group that TM Randolph’s company prints moolah. Just sayin’.
Timer TM Jose actually hurled a Spanish Spurtle (‘chorro’) across the virtual Atlantic Ocean to those who overstepped their time limits. It was inadvertently caught by TM Paolo in Italian (“mestolo”, “schizarre”).
The Way Overused Word of the Day was
A wooden Scottish kitchen tool, dating from the 15th century, that is used to stir porridge, soups, stews and broths (and to discipline young ‘uns, prior to the Age When Parents Became Afraid Of Their Kids).
Recording link -
Remember: Group Elections are the last Thursday of May. Available positions are
VP Education
VP Public Relations
VP Marketing
Feel free to ask the current officers for more information about the position that interests you.
See you next week!
Recap Writer
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