Dear Members, Guests and Friends:
TM Tom boggled our minds with obscure idioms that no one has ever heard of:
- DTM Mary Helen affably wishes that, besides having the common touch, she could have more vocal regulators in the U-Haul of life.
- TM Aleta pondered about the Aborigenes who practice (/ˈkuːiː/) , a shout originated in Australia to attract attention, find missing people, or indicate one's own location. The word "cooee" originates from the Dharug language of Aboriginal Australians in the Sydney area. ... It means "come here" and has now become widely used in Australia as a call over distances. She also complained that her metal roof is very noisy during hailstorms in Western Pennsylvania.
- I, Ana, evoked those distant days of raising children, who are expert at crocodile tears to manipulate their way through life. I was trained not to believe adult Poo-Bahs and their crocodile tears! I Won Best Table Topics Award.
- DTM Kip broke into song when asked if he's ever been cruel to be kind. Check it out!
- TM Carmine 'fessed up that, while in his cups, he was a book cooker until the Grand Poo-Bahs of External Revenue took him down an Emeril notch.
- TM Jim G. cudgels his brain – not easy to do – as he brings in the EarlyBird banner and all such accoutrements of the Sargeant-At-Arms.
- TM Jose fondly took us back to the Moorish conquest of Spain – which lasted a mere 900 years- which still takes the blame for Spaniards' food sharing poor habits. It's all forgiven because they later invented tapas.
- TM Marie reminded us that ALL of us, Poo-Bahs and Non-Poo-Bahs, are in the dress rehearsal before the final curtain drops. Let's practice!
As far as prepared speeches go….
- DTM Jim D. forgot that he had retired… 7 times… and is loving his current work at a friend's airline with a periodic commute to… Anchorage! From Harleys to jetliners… it's all in a day's work and a variety of virtual backgrounds!
- TM Randolph reminded us of what we already knew: behind every Poo-Bah in history, there's been a Mrs. Grand Poo-Bah or a Mommy Grand Poo-Bah. Fullstop. He Won Best Speaker Award.
In the realm of evaluations…
- TM Aleta thoroughly enjoyed DTM Jim D.'s speech and marveled at his non-negotiation pause skills which landed him a very lucrative job!
- TM Marie admired TM Randolph's praise of noteworthy female Poo-Bahs and encouraged him to incorporate a personal story to make a great speech more impactful. She Won Best Evaluator Award.
Zoom Watcher TM Paolo keenly watched us, and reported that:
- Virtual backgrounds enhance or detract from our communication. He gave us some easy, failsafe formulas to properly position ourselves in our Zoom screens:
- Distance Formula: d=√(x₁ – x₂)² + (y₁ – y₂)² ...
- Slope Formula: Slope = y₂ – y₁ / x₂ – x₁ ...
- Slope Intercept: y=mx+b. ...
- Midpoint Formula: (x₁+x₂) / 2, (y₁+y₂) / 2.
TM Paolo personally favors corner-angle real backgrounds which give depth to the pie r squared area of the room. <![if !vml]><![endif]><![if !vml]>
In case you didn't guess the Word of the Day yet, I encourage you to cudgel your brain = think hard. Something's definitely amiss.
POO-BAH, noun
- A person holding many public or private offices.
- A person in high position of great influence.
Example: We are all Poo-Bahs in our own legendary minds.
YouTube Link for today's recording-
See you next week at Tall Tales!
Recap Writer
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