Dear Members, Guests and Friends,
TM Lorena started the meeting with an inspirational Zulu invocation regarding UBUNTU, which means “I am because we are” – translated into 2021 USA vernacular, “sharing is caring”, or “step aside and let’s all sustain the candy!!”.
TopicMaster Jeff led us in Earthly themed table topics….
- TM Lorena profusely thanked the Earth for the sunrise, the warmth and the raindrops that keep falling on her head and keep her hair nice and curly.
- I, Ana, proudly divvy up recyclables into 3 categories as prescribed by the City of Fort Lauderdale and that’s a long way from growing up in Madrid amidst sunflower seed shells and shrimp corpses in tapas bars.
- DTM Kip is the proud owner of a Prius which specializes in reining in drifty seniors who are loose on I-95 and this car simply takes him where he needs to go.
- TM Chris highly praised technology and its influence on a healthy environment, especially their favorite RV home away from home.
- DTM Jim D. and DTM Mary Helen, popularly known as the DTMs (Day ToastMasters) practice premeditated driving to control their carbonated footprints. He Won Best Table Topics Award.
- Guest Ariadna reported that her country of origin, Peru, has had to increase imports of eyedrops, since pharmacies and drugstores constantly run out due to PWES (pollution watery eye syndrome).
And then came the prepared speeches…
- TM Jose regaled us with a tongue-twister of a speech about drivetrains, powertrains, front wheel and rear wheel drives, and it was all started by the trusted 1966 Oldsmobile Toronado. Who knew???
- TM Jim G. reminisced about 1970’s first Big Environmental Push and rode his bike 16 miles to school to prove to his Dad that he could compete with the old parental sob story of ‘walking uphill in the snow to get to school’. So there! He Won Best Speaker Award.
- TM Aleta made a motion to prevent hissing, coughing or spitting at any time during a Bored Meeting (errr… that is, Board Meeting), seconded her own motion, discussed it, voted on it and although a minority voice (Aleta’s counterpoint) was heard, the majority (Aleta) prevailed. It’s the best way to run a meeting – by discussion, vote and unanimity, loosely.
As far as evaluations….
- TM Tom instantaneously gave Jose the honorary title of Engineer and Head Researcher at EarlyBirds, who can easily sell ice to eskimos.
- Visiting TM Andrew praised TM Jim G.’s masterful use of visuals, pausing, pacing, voicing over a storytelling weave of Earthly disintegration.
- DTM Mary Helen declared TM Aleta Consiglieri of the Godmother Order of Business and Professional Women of the Red Light District 12. She Won Best Evaluator Award.
Although I was not asked, I won’t take it personally, and here is my first-ever Zoom Master report:
- EarlyBirds can be divided into 4 Zoom categories: a) solid color backgrounds, b) intellectual backgrounds (libraries with stepladders, binoculars on tripods, c) action-packed backgrounds (Star Wars, bikers’ picnics or biker rest area) and d) assorted background messaging (commercial, philosophical, and undetermined)
- In my book, we are a Zoom-A+ Club as we do not maniacally ask “Can you hear me?” every time it’s our turn to speak.
- During one evaluation there was background noise of a keyboard stroke nature. Antidote: Keep yourselves muted at all times.
- Election Fraud took place today. Not sure about anybody else, but I voted at least 4 times for Best Evaluator. Just sayin’…..
The Word of the Day was
Able to be maintained at a certain level
Example: In order to be a sustainable Club, which Officer Position do YOU want to stand for in June’s election? Geez. (Ask Kip for job descriptions).
Requirements: Regular attendance, willingness and having a pulse.
YouTube Recording of this meeting is at
See you next week!
Ana I.
Recap Writer
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