Thursday, July 16, 2020

Wisdom of the (S)ages, Non-Brutal Communication and Great Relationships, a fun morning at EarlyBirds

 Dear Members, Guests and Friends,


TM Carmine started us off with some wisdom for the (s)ages.  We thus learned that…


  • TM Aleta was surprised by her rapacious dog Bogart who last night said to her, amid a cloud of cigarette smoke  “We’ll always have Paris”… She brought him to Toastmasters instead.
  • I (Ana) confessed that after 39 years of marriage and 4 months of confinement,  it’s best not buy too much Miracle Gro for character defects, they have taken on a life of their own.
  • TM Pam almost went the extra State when she missed an exit and instead of Gainesville, almost ended up in Georgia.  How’s a GPS to know the difference between two Gs???
  • TM Joe conceded that he doesn’t act his age and gladly so because he doesn’t intend to, either.  He’s determined to continue growing young.
  • TM Tom asks himself every day “What the kale is kale?” Here’s the good news, Tom.  You’re not alone - most of us do, too!
  • DTM Mary Helen often ponders what her life may have been like had she made different mistakes.  The possibilities are endless.  She was not a good teenager and she does not consider herself a good oldager – so what’s next?  She is already working on a sequel to her unwritten memoirs.
  • TM Jeff vehemently refuted the idea that millennials will write history with misspellings and no punctuation.  What is autocorrect for?
  • TM Marie revealed that being an adult is realizing that you are Santa Claus. There’s nowhere else to turn.  Christmas is her favorite time of the year although it makes a deep hole in her pocket.   She Won Best Table Topics Award.
  • TM Jose holds frequent staff meetings with the committee in his head – he calls the meeting to order, he listens, he answers himself. Lately he tries to bounce things off like-minded people who corroborate that he needs to emphasize the adjourning portion of the meetings.



In the prepared speeches….


  • TM Joe has worked long and hard on Pathways to discover his communication style – it has now evolved from sarcasm and boredom while listening to others to dry humor and motivational one-liners.  The fashionable  face masks have helped Joe  to suppress yawns without getting noticed.  He Won Most Improved Speaker Award.
  • TM Jeff shared his best advice for a successful relationship:  Get a dog that doesn’t shed while dancing the Roomba.   He Won Best Speaker Award.


And then came evaluations…


  • TM Marie commended TM Joe for his clever way of making this Pathways project appealing and fun for the rest of us, thanks to his use of humor and his vivacious Italian hand movements which remind her of her husband. She Won Best Evaluator Award.
  • DTM Kip gave a few tips to TM Jeff about making his speech less analytical and more of a kneeslapper with the use of a Furminator, starring a young Arnold Schwarzenegger.


The Word of the Day was


RAPACIOUS, adjective

  1. Having or showing a strong or excessive desire to acquire money or possess things.  Greedy.
  2. Living by killing prey, especially in large numbers.
  3. Taking things by force; plundering.


The meeting recording may be accessed here:



See you next week!


Ana I.

Recap Writer

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