Thursday, July 30, 2020

Nuances, movie romances and techcircumstances - another fun morning at EarlyBird


Dear Members, Guests and Friends:


Table Topics was about English idioms – senseless sayings that are part of our daily vernacular and make foreigners scratch their puzzled heads.  And so we learned that….


  • DTM Kip is the fountain of all knowledge and reminisced about the days pre-anesthesia, when soldiers got their legs sawed off while biting a bullet to preserve their teeth by the skin.   He Won Best Table Topics Award.
  • Avid diver TM Jim G.has cleverly concluded that having a shark pull your leg would not be what you might describe as comfortable.
  • DTM Mary Helen wistfully reminisced about her (then) soon-to-be husband wrapping his head around any clothes he could find in the closet on their wedding day. That sealed the deal – head wraparounds are forever.
  • Visiting TM Denis is determined to avoid engaging in wild goose chases because in his native South Africa, geese are like tigers, and tigers are… well, also tigers, so that’s not an option.
  • Although he thinks literally there is no skin in our teeth, TM Joe has had a lifetime of barely getting by – starting in elementary school.  He’s made it so far and plans to continue to do so.
  • TM Jeff’s ship has sailed, both in a nautical sense and in golf terms, but he’s looking forward to the next ship’s arrival.
  • TM Marie is the Rainmaking Queen –attendance at public events she chaired was counted by wet tickets from the rain of cats, dogs  (and ales) that she had conjured up.


Along came the prepared speeches….


  • Glittering, glamourous TM Aleta regaled us with a nostalgic look at the world of  social issues, racism, patriotism, infidelity, crime and romance, which came together through the magic of movies - ahhh the tricky durability of celluloid (today MP3s).    She treated everyone to popcorn.  She Won Best Speaker Award.
  • Amid noisy hecklers, an unperturbed TM Chris (aka Mrs. Geek) displayed her deep knowledge of the smart phone, which is decidedly smarter than us- but not smarter than her!   Note from Recap Writer:  Sorry to burst anyone’s bubble.   She Won Most Improved Speaker Award.


As for the evaluations….


  • TM Tom praised TM Aleta for her glamorous speech masterfully delivered by smart phone in the unnuanced environment of a West Pennsylvania McDonald’s.  None of us could have pulled it off, for sure.
  • TM Jeff commended TM Chris for her generous sharing of such important information and suggested that she be more forceful in addressing hecklers (this goes for life in general).   He Won Best Evaluator Award.


Evaluating our entire meeting, TM Pam clarified that the hecklers were preplanned, lest EarlyBirds’ reputation be forever marred by those who hear the recording without this important piece of knowledge.   (There’s a lot at hanging in the balance here, folks!)   Our Grammarian TM Marie praised the abundance of creative expressions and pointed out that we need to be mindful of ‘gonnas, haftas, wannas, kindas, sortas.’   The solution: pretend we’re behind  the lectern in Denny’s, not trying to virtually slip by unnoticed…


The Word of the Day was


NUANCE, noun


A subtle difference in or shade of meaning, expression or sound.


Here is the recording:


See you next week!


Ana I.

Recap Writer

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