Dear Members and Friends,
TM Marie started us off on a fun ride down the fun path of useless information.
- I, (Ana) am easily horrified by the Nature Channel at Jim D. and Mary Helen’s home where the cat tortures a gecko before eating it in front of their very eyes.
- TM Aleta wistfully reminisced about rainbows and lollipops, so tied in with her overall love of nature.
- TM Tom waxed poetic with “heart of gold and lots of sorrow, that’s the one that looks for tomorrow”… luckily he picked well when he came to EarlyBirds.
- TM Jim G. concluded that he is not an attraction to the other sex – fatal or otherwise. Hence he’s managed to stay alive and happily married.
- TM Jim D. didn’t have to learn parenting rules from “E.T. – phone home”(like the rest of us) because he kept close tabs on his only daughter, who was a good kid anyway.
- TM BeckyJo concluded that the thing about ambiguity is that it leaves you not knowing – profound revelation of the morning. She is convinced though that Butch and Sundance survived the brutal fight. The former moved to Uruguay to eat beef and the latter went on to become an indy film festival. She Won Best Table Topics Award.
Unsolicited opinion from the Recap Writer (one of the perks of this role): Although Table Topics today were based on classic movies and their changed endings, the actual topics were adaptable to audiences of any age. So they were perfectly appropriate. Ah… the tricky durability of celluloid…. Before it all became digital, on-demand and pay-per-view.
Then came the prepared speeches…
- TM Pam is by now a professional mover… and a professional blogger at; and After all this blogging, she has finally realized that IT’S ALL ABOUT HER!!! She Won Best Speaker Award.
- DTM Kip has well-oiled persistence muscles and, once again, took us down the labyrinthine but clear as mud path of our beloved Pathways. Next Wednesday is New Year’s Eve in Toastmasters so the motto is “Pathways For All”. A virtual celebration will be held at the stroke of midnight. Login info to follow. He Won Most Improved Speaker Award.
- DTM Mary Helen told us about her only emotions: hunger and more hunger. These insatiable emotions are counteracted with wine and chocolate. She wavers between feeling like a stuffed sausage and wanting to look like Twiggy (a twiggy-like runway model of the 60s with painted-on bottom eyelashes). Google it: eyelashes. Please call 1-800-BOMBONS for more information.
In terms of evaluations….
- DTM Jim D. praised TM Blogger Pam for her good body language and wants a signed free copy of her (3) blogs-turned-into-books. Pam reminded him there is no such thing as a free blog-converted-into-a-book lunch. He Won Best Evaluator Award.
- TM Chris gave DTM Kip First Prize Award for Persistence in Pathways but has ambiguous feelings about 6-month projects in Level 5. She is persuadable though.
- TM Aleta clearly remembers Twiggy and following TM Mary Helen’s inspiring idea, is going to try her teenage earrings on herself to see if they fit.
The Word of the Day was
Meaning: Best Gift
Link for the YouTube Video
See you next week!
Ana I.
Recap Writer
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