Thursday, June 11, 2020

Rose Petals, Life Bloopers and Rainbow Safety Codes



Dear Members, Guests and Friends,


TM Jim G. was inspired by June (origin: Juno, the Roman Goddess of Women, who likes roses – especially live ones):


  • DTM Kip associated the color red to allegedly color-blind bulls in bullfights but mostly reminisced about his faux pas of bringing dead flowers to his beloved, who did not act so belovedly for a while after that. Clueless to the nuances of rose bouquets, he expects female understanding and compassion.  Oh, puhhhleeeze, Kip, cry me a river!
  • TM Carmine has bought more flowers to his wife in the past 13 years than he did in his entire previous life of 70 years.  His wife does not hesitate to demand an explanation when he comes back empty handed from a trip to Publix.  “He loves me, he loves me not”….
  • DTM Mary Helen is always happy and appreciative to receive flowers and although the color orange represents pride, orange does not become her. However, after doing the pilgrimage The Way, starring Martin Sheen, (El Camino) in Spain, she witnessed the Gay Pride Parade in Madrid and it was definitely an event to remember.
  • TM Mildred likened yellow, the color of friendship, to a childhood friend of hers – they have been there for each other in good times and bad, they talk to each other every day, and this friendship has lasted for 69 years, and still going strong!!
  • I, TM Ana, issued  many judgments about opulence (symbolized by the color purple)  and concluded that being Nouveau Riche is far better than being Old Poor.  I Won Best Table Topics Award. Since I was also Vote Counter, many in the audience demanded a recount.  Luckily, in Zoom we don’t have to deal with hanging chads…  Pfiuuuuu….


Along came the prepared speeches….


  • TM Joe delighted us with a humorous speech called “My Life’s Blooper Reel” – which started off with what could have aptly been named “My Cousin Vinnie (and Vic)” relating to a morbid fascination the cousins had to learn where toilet contents end up. More recently, his proclivity for bloopers took him to wear cowboy boots on the NYC subway after a downpour.    Guess how that one ended….   He Won Most Improved Speaker Award.
  • TM Marie practiced a speech about Parks and Recreation Safety and Security and reminded us that Awareness + Action = Prevention in the face of summer camp.  She took us down a rainbow patch labyrinth of Safety Codes – oh how we miss the good ole days of hiding under your desk to avoid nuclear fallout! She Won Best Speaker Award.


As for evaluations….


  • TM Chris praised TM Joe’s humorous speech which had us all in stitches (no pun intended) and asked him to deliver his next speech sitting on a wrought iron chair with spikes on the seat back to avoid a look of comfty familiarity such as the one he displayed today.   
  • TM Tom highlighted TM Marie’s comprehensive, all-inclusive Safety and Security speech which left no color code unturned.  He suggested she toss the notes for the real speech to maintain a steady, laser-like eye contact with her already terrified audience.  It always works.  He Won Best Evaluator Award.


The Word of the Day was



  1. A tale of adventures, especially a romance in verse.
  2. Adventure, exploit


Register for free to the TM Zoom Conference this weekend and watch expert storyteller DTM Kip talk about the Elements of Storytelling on Friday at 4 pm.  Look for his email. Zoom audience capacity has been enlarged to 1000, so you can still squeeze in.


Below is today’s recording.  Thank you as always to our tech gurus, Jim and Chris.  Without their generous help and expertise, most of this would not be possible.


YouTube Video Recording



See you next week!



Recap Writer

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