Dear Members, Guests and Friends,
One of our new members, TM Cory, started us off with thought-provoking Table Topics about life and lessons. We soon found out that...
* DTM Mary Helen was insecure as a youngster, then at age 40, she relinquished her deep dark past and became secure. She Won Best Table Topics Award.
* TM Gail was a pioneer of the Community College system in Florida and it allowed her to study and work and get ahead in life.
* TM The Tom would give his younger self the reiterated advice to join the Navy (as he did) where he learned to make his bed and lay on it, too.
* TM Terri's best compliment as a young teacher in a Hialeah middle school minefield was "You're persistent". And that she is, to this day!
* TM Jorge would, as a 9-year-old, maximize his Mom's last day with him to the fullest.
We then listened to TM Jorge's Icebreaker....
* Sitting in a waiting bus, he had a transcendental conversation with the bus driver which shaped the course of his life. He joined the Navy and was sent to Italy; he is now bonding with his infant son till the next opportunity comes up. He Won Best Speaker Award.
* I, Ana, Self-Appointed Local Reporter, sleuthed around to find out picturesque facts about several towns in our beloved Broward County.
Lastly, we had great evaluations...
* TM Gail praised TM Jorge for his intriguing Icebreaker and for his proficient use of Zoom.
* TM Jose loved my speech but asked that I stop flailing my notes in front of the camera, for heaven's sake. He Won Best Evaluator Award.
Our Area Director, TM Marcus Observicus, attended our meeting and complimented us effusively.
The Word of the Day was
SUPERFLUOUS, adjective
Exceeds what is necessary or sufficient, or is simply not needed.
Etymology: It comes from the latin superfluuuus which in turn is derived from the Assyrian superiffffflllluuuus. They've just removed a few superfluous vowels (and consonants) with the passage of millenia.
Example: Why do we have superfluous but potentially deadly vestiges like the appendix or wisdom teeth?
Here's the link to the recording
See you next week!
Ana I
Recap Writer
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