Thursday, February 27, 2025

Fwd: Life Lessons, Icebreaker and Origin of County Names - a non-superfluous morning at EarlyBirds

Dear Members, Guests and Friends,

One of our new members, TM Cory, started us off with thought-provoking Table Topics about life and lessons.   We soon found out that...

* DTM Mary Helen was insecure as a youngster, then at age 40, she relinquished her deep dark past and became secure.  She Won Best Table Topics Award.
* TM Gail was a pioneer of the Community College system in Florida and it allowed her to study and work and get ahead in life.
* TM The Tom would give his younger self the reiterated advice to join the Navy (as he did) where he learned to make his bed and lay on it, too.
* TM Terri's best compliment as a young teacher in a Hialeah middle school minefield was "You're persistent".  And that she is, to this day!
* TM Jorge would, as a 9-year-old, maximize his Mom's last day with him to the fullest.

We then listened to TM Jorge's Icebreaker....

* Sitting in a waiting bus, he had a transcendental conversation with the bus driver which shaped the course of his life.  He joined the Navy and was sent to Italy; he is now bonding with his infant son till the next opportunity comes up.   He Won Best Speaker Award.
* I, Ana, Self-Appointed Local Reporter, sleuthed around to find out picturesque facts about several towns in our beloved Broward County.

Lastly, we had great evaluations...

* TM Gail praised TM Jorge for his intriguing Icebreaker and for his proficient use of Zoom.
* TM Jose loved my speech but asked that I stop flailing my notes in front of the camera, for heaven's sake.  He Won Best Evaluator Award.

Our Area Director, TM Marcus Observicus, attended our meeting and complimented us effusively.

The Word of the Day was

SUPERFLUOUS, adjective
Exceeds what is necessary or sufficient, or is simply not needed.
Etymology:  It comes from the latin superfluuuus which in turn is derived from the Assyrian superiffffflllluuuus.   They've just removed a few superfluous vowels (and consonants) with the passage of millenia.

Example:  Why do we have superfluous but potentially deadly vestiges like the appendix or wisdom teeth?   

Here's the link to the recording

See you next week!

Ana I
Recap Writer

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Sports Idioms, Downsizing and Blinding Love - the opposite of obtuse at EarlyBirds

Dear Members, Friends and Guests,

Our new TM Cory dove right into the program and led us with an inspirational invocation followed by The Pledge of Allegiance.
We inducted our newest member, Jorge (George). Welcome to EarlyBirds, TM George!

TM Aleta led us with very creative graphic slides of sports idioms.  We found out that...

* TM Chris is looking forward to a spectacular kickoff in her new fantasy life.
* TM BeckyJo was a slam drunk in younger years and now has tiny little toes and is an anomaly as a short person.  She Won Best Table Topics Award.
* TM Randolph is into the latest hockey hoopla and will definitely not drop the gloves.
* TM Cory says tackling Table Topics is par for the course regarding public speaking.
* TM Jorge definitely does not jump the gun to resolve an issue.  He'd much rather use the synonym - get ahead of himself.
* TM The Tom is a devout front runner, much like his Alma Mater, Notre Dame, was, is and will forever continue to be...
* TM Terri's father was a boxing fan and although she finds it gross, she is also a fan who will not throw in the towel except to clean the blood.

We had, again, two fabulous speeches....

* TM Pam gave a rendition of Let It Go and stated categorically that her family are not hoarders, simply people with lots of hobbies and a big garage. She Won Best Speaker Award.
* DTM Mary Helen gave us some valuable tips for finding "the one" in a banquet of "the many", ignoring information overload.

And then came the evaluations...

* TM Paolo praised TM Pam for being a bird singing in the early morning and for her abundance of humor.  He Won Best Evaluator Award.
* TM The Tom was inspired by DTM Mary Helen's tips for virtuosity in others - kindness, respect and money in the bank for expensive dinners.

The Word of the Day was

OBTUSE, adj.
Someone who can't understand something clearly.

Example:  I was obtuse when it came to obtuse angles in Geometry.  Do the math....

Here is the link to the recording...

See you next week!

Ana I.
Obtuse Recap Writer 

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Palantine's, Remix Part II, The Next Chapter - a gallant morning in EarlyBirds

Dear Members, Guests and Friends,

We officially inducted our newest member, TM Cory, into our Club.  Welcome!

TM Gail started us off with Palantine's, Gallantine's and Love Your Pet Day topics..  We were about to discover that ..

* DTM Mary Helen's palantines are her Argentine friend and our loyal (absentee) member Ellie - they all share good times together, on Palantine's Day and any day, for that matter.
* I, Ana, reminisced about a memorable Valentine's Day on the eve of my middle daughter's wedding in Miami, surrounded by transatlantic and multistate friends from various stages of life.  And, after the wedding.... the marriage began!! (They are still married today).
* TM Cory and his partner will go to a new restaurant and celebrate with many surprises - balloons, candy and lots of online purchases.  TM Gail and several other Club members have signed up to be his Valentines too.
* TM BeckyJo has an ungrateful cat who only comes to her for food - lavishes all other feline endearments to BeckyJo's roommate.  Such is life, even on Love Your Ungrateful Pet Day!  She Won Best Table Topics Award.

We had (2) fantabulous prepared speeches today...

* TM Aleta regaled us with her Music Remix - Take 2 - an improved musicalized crescendo of her life and adventures.  She, too, did it her way!
* TM Jim summarized his and TM Chris' life in various chapters and described the new world marine adventure upon which they are embarking.  Then he had a vibrant Q&A session and told us about digitizing memories to addressing potential health concerns to handling temporary visitors to the cost of room and board.  He Won Best Speaker Award.

As far as evaluations are concerned...

* TM BeckyJo praised TM Aleta for heeding the evaluator's feedback and enhancing her musical lifestory.  Put Nowhere Man in Penny Lane and there's your New Kid in Town....
* DTM Mary Helen was thoroughly impressed (as were the rest of us) with TM Jim G's visual aid mastery, seamlessly transporting us from their RV to the high seas on the good ship lollipop.  She Won Best Evaluator Award.

The Word of the Day was

Courageous, brave
Polite and respectful to women

Example:  Women are flattered by gallant men.

Here's the link to the recording

See you next week!

Ana I.
Recap Writer

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Super Bowl, Lightening Up and Soaring Like An Eagle - a use case study in EarlyBirds!

Dear Members, Guests and Friends,

TM Marie led us in Super Bowl topics....

* TM Gail is driving down to TM Marie's home to savor those fantastic Super Bowl appetizers, in direct competition with the neighborhood's.
* DTM Mary Helen laments the high security at the stadium which deters fans from smuggling in guns and knives to deal with opposing fans.
* Guest Cory reflected how being here for each other in a divided environment is proof positive of good sportsmanship.
* I, Ana, am clueless and without use case of the Super Bowl and i'll have a personal fowl (chicken) for dinner that night to celebrate the winner.
* TM Terri is also oblivious of Super Bowl details but she's looking forward to becoming a soccer fan when they build a Beckham stadium next to her house.
* TM Pam's victory will consist of raising personal fowl with high security (against predators) because she's starting a lucrative business selling pricey eggs on the side. She Won Best Table Topics Award.

Along came prepared speeches...

* TM Chris wants to lighten up and let go of fear, worry, doubt.  Out with the seriousness, in with the levity, okey dokey??? She Won Best Speaker Award.
* TM Paolo's hologram inspired us to become eagles rather than chickens and start anew without ever looking back.

As far as evaluations...

* TM Aleta praised TM Chris's smile which is infectious and contagious and avoid politics... until we possibly acquire a 51st state....
* TM Terri liked TM Paolo's video presentation which shows, time and time again, that his diction, vocal variety, enunciation and modulation are soaring with the eagles.   She Won Best Evaluation Award.

The Word of the Day was

USE CASE, noun

A description of how a user interacts with a system to achieve a specific goal.   
(Not to be confused with CASE USE, which is a goal that systematically interacts with a specific user).

Example:  The restaurant staff carried out their use case in an exemplary manner.  Huh???

Here's the link to the recording:

See you next week!

Ana I.
Use Case Nut Case Writer