Dear Members, Guests and Friends,
I, Ana, started us off with Table Topics...
* TM Chris is proof positive that no pain, no gain is a truism and she is soon-to-be prouncing and hopping around on her brand new knee!
* TM Marc finds that it's always darkest before the dawn in an astronomical sense, especially when he does a crack-of-dawner to join EarlyBirds!
* TM Randolph is unsure when to throw caution to the wind and when to act with prudence, he is going to google it.
* TM Gail admires the Gulds for throwing caution to the wind, embarking on a seafaring adventure and spilling the beans about it!
* TM Marie thinks ladders are an endangered species, soon to be replaced by drones. She Won Best Table Topics Award.
* TM BeckyJo's off-her-rocker teenager was brought back to the recliner by her off-her-rocker Mom.
* DTM Mary Helen thinks well begun is half done, expecially when making banana cupcakes.
We then segued into our prepared speeches...
* TM Pam firmly believes in random acts of kindness to them/they/she/her/him and especially to her frenemy husband, in a striking evolutionary move ahead of neanderpoliticals.
* TM Aleta, our very own version of Casey Kasem's Top 40s, succumbed to DTM Mary Helen's 35-year pleas and after wishing she could turn back time, decided to update her Spotify playlist. See attached link for your musical enjoyment. She Won Best Speaker/Singer Award. (Here is the
spreadsheet of all her songs.)
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