Thursday, October 17, 2024

Idioms, Meditation and Being Heckled - a fugacious morning at EarlyBirds!

Dear Members, Guests and Friends,

TM Aleta inspired us with popular idioms about body parts.  We were surprised to learn that...

* TM Tom triumpantly reported the EMS personnel who were there in his time of need were a truly a sight for sore eyes.  Welcome back to our effervescent joy, Tom!  He Won Best Table Topics Award.
* I, Ana, took a wild guess that using elbow grease refers to car mechanics deciphering the labyrinth of car parts in the engine and getting their elbows dirty.
* DTM Jim D. highly recommends that chickens and turkeys avoid sticking their neck out, especially around Thanksgiving.  Otherwise their lives will truly be fugacious!
* TM Gail is tired of all the politicians who speak with forked tongues and cannot wait for them to speak with knived tongues so they can chop their own tongues off, once and for all!
* TM Paolo has often had something on the tip of his tongue but it's ready to be spoken in Italian and he doesn't say it because his listener is monolingual (in English).
* TM Terri's father was a good man but very pessimistic so she keeps her chin up, especially about chocolate, which, as the old saying goes,"a minute in the lips, forever in the hips".

And then came the prepared speeches...

* TM Roslyn invited us to start our day by dropping - even if fugaciously - into meditation, to refresh and replenish our cluttered minds.
* TM Pam masterfully dealt with a disruptive audience - an interrupter, a chatterer, an arguer, a talker, an electronic device enthusiast, compulsively commenting in the chat. We had a great time and TM Pam humorously dealt with it.  She Won Best Speaker Award.

Regarding evaluations....

* TM Paolo praised TM Roslyn for her effective pace to allow us to discern, digest, process, metabolize and refresh, recharge and restart.  He Won Best Evaluator Award.
* TM Marie praised EarlyBirds for being the best hecklers on Planet Earth and also praised TM Pam for her effort to practice, practice, practice, putting up with us.

The Word of the Day was

FUGACIOUS, adjective

Lasting a very short time; ephemeral; short-lived, transient

Example:  Love's fugacious radiance wanes into a more stable companionship.

Dates to Consider:

Club Level Contests (to be conducted by January 14, 2024)

Tall Tales
Humorous Speech

District Level Contests 
Table Topics
International Speech - must have completed Level I and Level II in Pathways

Here's the link to the recording:

See you next week!

Ana I.
Sagacious and Perspecacious  but not Fugacious Recap Writer

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